man at the time when, if ever, he was, like the animals,
destitute of articulate speech. The articulate
cries uttered by some animals, especially some birds,
are interesting as connected with the principle of
imitation to which languages in part owe their origin,
but in the cases of forced imitation, the mere acquisition
of a vocal trick, they only serve to illustrate that
power of imitation, and are without significance.
Sterne’s starling, after his cage had been opened,
would have continued to complain that he could not
get out. If the bird had uttered an instinctive
cry of distress when in confinement and a note of
joy on release, there would have been a nearer approach
to language than if it had clearly pronounced many
sentences. Such notes and cries of animals, many
of which are connected with reproduction and nutrition,
are well worth more consideration than can now be given,
but regarding them generally it is to be questioned
if they are so expressive as the gestures of the same
animals. It is contended that the bark of a dog
is distinguishable into fear, defiance, invitation,
and a note of warning, but it also appears that those
notes have been known only since the animal has been
domesticated. The gestures of the dog are far
more readily distinguished than his bark, as in his
preparing for attack, or caressing his master, resenting
an injury, begging for food, or simply soliciting
attention. The chief modern use of his tail appears
to be to express his ideas and sensations. But
some recent experiments of Prof. A. Graham
Bell, no less eminent from his work in artificial
speech than in telephones, shows that animals are
more physically capable of pronouncing articulate sounds
than has been supposed. He informed the writer
that he recently succeeded by manipulation in causing
an English terrier to form a number of the sounds
of our letters, and particularly brought out from it
the words “How are you, Grandmamma?” with
distinctness. This tends to prove that only absence
of brain power has kept animals from acquiring true
speech. The remarkable vocal instrument of the
parrot could be used in significance as well as in
imitation, if its brain had been developed beyond
the point of expression by gesture, in which latter
the bird is expert.
The gestures of monkeys, whose hands and arms can be used, are nearly akin to ours. Insects communicate with each other almost entirely by means of the antennae. Animals in general which, though not deaf, can not be taught by sound, frequently have been by signs, and probably all of them understand man’s gestures better than his speech. They exhibit signs to one another with obvious intention, and they also have often invented them as a means of obtaining their wants from man.