, Arrangement in description
of signs in, 546
, Australian, 306
, Authorities in, list of, 401
, Chinese characters connected with, 356, 357
, Cistercian monks, of, 283, 364
, collaborators in, List of, 401
, comparison, Degrees of, in, 363
, Conjunctions in, 367
, Convention, not requiring, 334
, Corporeal gestures in, 270, 273
, correspondents, Foreign, on, 407
, deaf-mutes, of uninstructed, 277
, dialects, numerous, connected with, 294
, Dialogues in, 486
, Dictionary of, Extracts from, 409
, Discontinuance of, 312
, Discourses in, 521
, Egyptian characters connected with, 304, 355, 357-359, 370,
379, 380
, Emotional gestures in, 270
, Ethnologic facts connected with, 384
evolved rather than invented, 319
, Facial expression in, 270, 273
, fingers, Details of position of, in, 392, 547
, Gender in, 366
, Grammar connected with, 359
, hand positions, Types of, in, 547
, History of, 285
, illustration, Scheme of, in, 544
, Indian and deaf-mute, compared, 320
and foreign, compared, 319
Special and peculiar is the, 319
Indians, North American, Once universal among, 324-326
Conditions favorable to, 311
Innuits, of the, 307
, interrogation, Mark of, in, 367
, Invention of new signs in, 387
, Italians, modern, of, 285, 305
, languages, Indian, compared with, 351
, Maya characters connected with, 356, 376
, Mexican characters connected with, 357, 375, 377, 380, 382
, Mistaken denial of existence of, 326
, Modern use of, 293
, Modern use of, by other than North American Indians, 320
, Motions relative to parts of body in, 393, 545
, Narratives in, 500
, Negation or affirmative in, 391
, Ojibwa pictographs connected with, 371, 372, 380, 381
, Opposition in, 364
, Oral language not proportioned to development of, 293, 314
, Origin of, 273
, Origin of, from a particular tribe, 316
, Outlines of arm positions in, 545
, period, Mark of, in, 368
, Peruvian characters connected with, 371
, Phrases in, 479
, Pictographs connected with, 368
, Practical application of, 346
, preceded articulate speech, 274, 284
, Prepositions in, 367
, Prevalence of Indian system of, 323
, Proper names in, 364, 476
, Pueblo pictographs connected with, 373
, Punctuation, in, 367
, Philology, relation of, to, 349
, Researches, Mode in which made on, 395
, Resemblance to Indian languages, 351
, Results sought in the study of, 346
, Seraglio, of the mutes of the, 307
, Sicilian, 295
, Sociologic conditions connected
, Australian, 306
, Authorities in, list of, 401
, Chinese characters connected with, 356, 357
, Cistercian monks, of, 283, 364
, collaborators in, List of, 401
, comparison, Degrees of, in, 363
, Conjunctions in, 367
, Convention, not requiring, 334
, Corporeal gestures in, 270, 273
, correspondents, Foreign, on, 407
, deaf-mutes, of uninstructed, 277
, dialects, numerous, connected with, 294
, Dialogues in, 486
, Dictionary of, Extracts from, 409
, Discontinuance of, 312
, Discourses in, 521
, Egyptian characters connected with, 304, 355, 357-359, 370,
379, 380
, Emotional gestures in, 270
, Ethnologic facts connected with, 384
evolved rather than invented, 319
, Facial expression in, 270, 273
, fingers, Details of position of, in, 392, 547
, Gender in, 366
, Grammar connected with, 359
, hand positions, Types of, in, 547
, History of, 285
, illustration, Scheme of, in, 544
, Indian and deaf-mute, compared, 320
and foreign, compared, 319
Special and peculiar is the, 319
Indians, North American, Once universal among, 324-326
Conditions favorable to, 311
Innuits, of the, 307
, interrogation, Mark of, in, 367
, Invention of new signs in, 387
, Italians, modern, of, 285, 305
, languages, Indian, compared with, 351
, Maya characters connected with, 356, 376
, Mexican characters connected with, 357, 375, 377, 380, 382
, Mistaken denial of existence of, 326
, Modern use of, 293
, Modern use of, by other than North American Indians, 320
, Motions relative to parts of body in, 393, 545
, Narratives in, 500
, Negation or affirmative in, 391
, Ojibwa pictographs connected with, 371, 372, 380, 381
, Opposition in, 364
, Oral language not proportioned to development of, 293, 314
, Origin of, 273
, Origin of, from a particular tribe, 316
, Outlines of arm positions in, 545
, period, Mark of, in, 368
, Peruvian characters connected with, 371
, Phrases in, 479
, Pictographs connected with, 368
, Practical application of, 346
, preceded articulate speech, 274, 284
, Prepositions in, 367
, Prevalence of Indian system of, 323
, Proper names in, 364, 476
, Pueblo pictographs connected with, 373
, Punctuation, in, 367
, Philology, relation of, to, 349
, Researches, Mode in which made on, 395
, Resemblance to Indian languages, 351
, Results sought in the study of, 346
, Seraglio, of the mutes of the, 307
, Sicilian, 295
, Sociologic conditions connected