Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921.

Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921.

Sec. 919. [=Appeal and hoard of examiners.=] After such appeal from the decision of the chief inspector of mines, or after charges have been filed against the chief inspector of mines with the governor, and the result of the investigation made by him, or at his instance, is unsatisfactory to the complainant, and notice thereof is given to the governor in writing by said complainant, accompanied with a bond in the sum of five hundred dollars, payable to the state, conditioned for the payment of all costs and expenses of the investigation of such charges, in the event such charges are not sustained, and signed by two or more responsible freeholders, the governor shall convene a board of examiners, consisting of two practical miners, one chemist, one mining engineer, and one mine operator at such time and place as he directs, giving ten days’ notice thereof to the inspector against whom the charges are made, and also to the person whose name appears first in the charges.

[=Duties of board.=] When so convened, and being duly sworn truly to try and decide upon the charges made, the board of examiners shall summon any witnesses desired by either party, and examine them, on oath, administered by a member of the board.  Depositions may be read on such examination as in other cases.  The board shall examine fully into the truth of such charges and report the result of its investigation to the governor; and, according to its finding, award the costs and expenses of such investigation against the inspector or the persons signing the bond.  The costs and expenses of such investigation shall include a compensation of five dollars per day for each member of the board, for the time occupied in the trial, and in traveling to and from his home, together with all legitimate expenses which shall be paid from the state treasury on the certificate of the president of such board.  The attorney general shall proceed to collect such costs and expenses, and pay them into the state treasury.

Sec. 920. [=This act shall not create new office or displace any officer.=] No change herein made in the name of an office existing when this act takes effect shall create a new office.  The incumbents of offices when this act takes effect, the duties of which are herein defined, or the filling of which is herein provided for, shall hold their respective offices for the full term for which they were severally elected or appointed, the same as if this act had not been passed.

=Relating to county recorder and county coroner.=

Sec. 921. [=Duty of Recorder.=] The recorder of the county, when presented with a map of an abandoned mine, by the owner, lessee or agent thereof, as provided for in this act, shall properly label, file and preserve the same as a part of the records of the land upon which said mine is located. (Sec. 937.)

Project Gutenberg
Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.