Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921.

Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921.

=Duties of Superintendent.=

Each superintendent of rescue station shall devote his entire time to the duties of his office, and shall at all times keep the equipment of such station in constant state of repair and be ready to meet any emergency that may arise at any mine at any time, either day or night.  He shall teach and train first aid and rescue crews in the use of first aid and rescue equipment and shall be required to keep his station at all times in a clean and sanitary condition, and subject to such rules and regulations as the industrial commission of Ohio may from time to time establish.

(108 O.L. 1278.)

Sec. 916. [=Action for non-compliance with provisions of this act.=] If the appliances of a mine for the safety of the persons working therein do not conform to the provisions of this act, or if the owner, lessee or agent disregards the requirements thereof, on application by the chief inspector of mines in the name of the state, any court of competent jurisdiction may enjoin or restrain the owner, lessee or agent from operating such mine, until it is made to conform to the provisions of this act.  Such remedy shall be cumulative, and shall not affect any other proceedings authorized by law against such owner, lessee or agent for the matter complained of in the action. (Sec. 927-928.)

Sec. 917. [=Failure to make map and forfeiture.=] Upon the refusal or neglect of the owner, lessee or agent of a mine to make and file a map, or any addition thereto, within sixty days after being directed to do so by the chief inspector of mines, as provided for in this act, the chief inspector of mines may cause such map or addition thereto to be made in duplicate at the expense of such owner, lessee or agent, the cost of which shall be recoverable against such owner, lessee or agent, in the name of the chief inspector of mines in any court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which such mine is located, or in Franklin county. (Sec. 904, 935, 936, 937.)

Sec. 918. [=Complaint against district inspector; how made.=] When written charges of neglect of duty, incompetency, or malfeasance in office against any district inspector of mines, are made and filed with the chief inspector of mines, signed by not less than fifteen employes, or an owner, lessee or agent of a mine, the chief inspector of mines shall promptly investigate such charges, and advise in writing, addressed to the complainant whose name appears first in the charges, the result of such investigation.

[=Complaint against chief inspector, how made; appeal.=] When written charges of neglect of duty, incompetency or malfeasance in office against the chief inspector of mines, are made and filed with the governor, signed by not less than fifteen employes, or the owner, lessee or agent of a mine, or if not less than fifteen employes, or the owner, lessee or agent of a mine, having filed charges against a district inspector of mines with the chief inspector of mines, are dissatisfied with the result of the investigation made by him, and appealed to the governor by filing the same charges against such district inspector of mines with the governor, he shall make, or cause to be made, an investigation of such charges, and advise in writing, addressed to the complainant whose name appears first in the charges, the result of such investigation.

Project Gutenberg
Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.