of inquiry, 284; embarks at Vera Cruz for home, 288; receives thanks
of Congress, 289; discontent in Canada, 293; candidate for the
presidency (1852), 293; on commission to settle boundary line with
Great Britain, 295; letter to President Buchanan, 296, 297; letter
to Secretary of War, 297, 298; letter to Secretary of War, December
28, 1861, 298; letter to Secretary Seward, March 3, 1861, 299;
firing of guns at Mobile on announcement that he had resigned, 304;
order of April 26, 1861, at Washington, D.C., 306; issues General
Orders No. 17, 308; complains of General McClellan, 309; request to
be placed on retired list, 311, 312; addresses the President and
Cabinet on his retirement, 313; sails for Europe, November 9, 1861,
318; army asylum fund, 323; statue of, at Soldiers’ Home, 327; his
death and last words, 329; his acquaintance with English authors,
331; advice to young army officer, 330, 331; anecdote of battle of
Chippewa, 332; vain of his accomplishments; regular attendant at the
Episcopal Church, 332; goes to West Point, 328; his loyalty, his
strict ideas of discipline; anecdote, 333.
Sears, Henry B., Lieutenant, 215.
Secretary of War to General Gaines, 100.
Seminole council, 85.
Seward, Secretary, anecdote of General Scott, 330.
Shannon, Samuel, Captain, 102.
Shaw, H.B., Major, 135.
Sheaffe, General Sir Roger Hale, 17-19.
Shelton, Joseph, General, 116.
Sheridan, Philip H., General, 326.
Sherman, William T., General, 326.
Shields, James, General, 176, 207, 209, 280.
Shubrick, William B., Commodore, 238.
Sibley, Henry H., Captain, 212.
Simms, John D., Lieutenant, 253.
Slidell, John, 321.
Small, William F., Captain, 236.
Smith, Charles F., Captain, 221.
Smith, Colonel, Louisiana volunteers, 101, 118.
Smith, Constantine, Lieutenant, 89.
Smith, E. Kirby, Captain, 221.
Smith, Gustavus W., Lieutenant, 207.
Smith, Persifor F., Colonel, 101, 112, 206, 208, 209, 211, 214, 227.
Smyth, Alexander, General, 14.
Soldiers’ Home at Washington, 323, 324, 326.
Soto, Don Juan, Vera Cruz, 215.
Steptoe, Edward J., Captain, 223.
Stone, Charles P., General, 301, 318.
Strahan, Captain, 17.
Sumner, Edwin V., Major, 175, 211, 220, 221, 224.
Sutherland, David J., Lieutenant, 253.
Swift, Joseph G., Colonel, 28.
Tampico letter, the, 267, 268.
Tariff of 1828 and trouble In South Carolina, 60.
Taylor, Francis, Captain, 135, 223.
Taylor, Governor, Carolina, 61.
Taylor, Zachary, General, 154, 289.
Tazewell, Littleton W., 5.