General Scott eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about General Scott.

General Scott eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about General Scott.
del Rey.  McIntosh fought in close quarters, and charged and drove the enemy in his front, but received three wounds, one of which proved mortal.  General Alvarez, commanding the Mexican cavalry, was held in check by the voltigeur regiment under command of Major E.V.  Sumner, and Duncan’s battery.  The fight was continued obstinately and bravely by the Mexicans from the roofs of houses.  The main force of the enemy, having been driven toward Chapultepec, were rallied by General Pena Y. Barragan, and made an advance.  Captain Drum was ordered forward, and with a captured six-pounder cleared the road.  The battle lasted for more than two hours and was hotly contested by the Mexicans.  Those who escaped death or capture retreated to Chapultepec, leaving General Worth in full possession of their lines.  Worth’s loss was one hundred and sixteen killed and six hundred and seventy-one wounded, a total of seven hundred and eighty-seven.  His estimate of the Mexican strength was fourteen thousand.


General Quitman’s movements to San Antonio and Coyoacan—­Movements of General Pillow—­General reconnoissance by Scott—­Chapultepec—­Scott announces his line of attack—­Surrender of the Mexican General Bravo—­Preparations to move on the capital—­Entry of General Scott into the City of Mexico—­General Quitman made Military Governor—­General Scott’s orders—­Movements of Santa Anna—­General Lane—­American and Mexican deserters—­Orders as to collection of duties and civil government.

General Quitman, who, it will be remembered, was to march from San Augustin to Coyoacan on the 8th, having heard firing in the direction of Tacubaya, moved, early on September 8th, to San Antonio, and from thence on to Coyoacan.  A reconnoissance was made in the afternoon by General Pillow as far as the town of Piedad and the Nino Perdido roads, one of which leads to the Belen gate of the city and the other through a gate of the same name.  These roads run parallel to each other, about three fourths of a mile apart.  On the 9th, General Scott, accompanied by Captain R.E.  Lee, made an examination of the works near the San Antonio gate, where they discovered Mexican soldiers busily at work.  On the 9th Riley took position to the right of Piedad, and was joined on the 11th by Smith’s brigade and Francis Taylor’s and Edward James Steptoe’s batteries.

An advanced post of the enemy was evacuated on the approach of the Americans on the night of the 9th and occupied; this force was strengthened by both infantry and artillery, and a bridge was thrown over a ditch in front of it for the passage of cannon.  Colonel Harvey, on the night of the 10th, occupied Mexcoac with the Second Dragoons for the purpose of protecting the hospitals and stores there.  General Scott called a meeting of his general officers and informed them of his plan of attack.  He had determined to attack either the San Antonio Garita or Chapultepec and the western gates.  After hearing the opinions of his officers, who differed on the place of attack, General Scott determined to make the movement on Chapultepec and the western gate, and he so announced.

Project Gutenberg
General Scott from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.