4. Salt Rheum, Pine Tar for.—“Apply pine tar as a paste.” This is an excellent remedy but care should be taken in using it, as pine tar is very irritating to some people, and should be used very cautiously.
Boil. (Furunculus, Furuncle). Causes.—Boils may appear in a healthy person, but they are often the result of a low condition of the system; they are frequently seen in persons suffering from sugar diabetes.
Mothers’ remedies. 1. Boil, My Mother’s Poultice for.—“Poppy leaves pounded up and bound on are good. My mother has used this recipe and found it to be good.” This remedy not only makes a good poultice, but is very soothing, as poppies contain opium. The leaves may be purchased at any drug store.
2. Boil, Soap and Sugar Poultice for.—“Poultice made of yellow or soft soap and brown sugar, equal parts. Spread on cloth and apply faithfully.” This makes a good strong poultice, and has great drawing powers and would be apt to create a good deal of pain, but would draw the boil to a head. The above remedy was sent in by a number of mothers, all of whom said they had tried it with success when other remedies failed.
3. Boil, Vinegar or Camphor for.—“May be cured by bathing in strong vinegar frequently when they first start. When it stops smarting from the vinegar cover with vaseline or oil.” Bathing the boil in vinegar seems to check the growth and does not allow them to become as large as they would ordinarily. If you do not have vinegar in the house, camphor will answer the same purpose.
4. Boil, Bean Leaf Poultice for.—“Apply snap bean leaves, beat up fine.” Bruise the leaves so that they are real fine, and apply to the boil. This acts the same as a poultice.
5. Boil, Another Vinegar Remedy for.—“If taken at first a boil can be cured by dipping the finger in strong vinegar and holding on the boil until it stops smarting. Repeat three or four times then apply a little oil to the head of boil.”
[Skin diseases 69]
Physicians’ treatment for Boils.—Tonics such as iron, quinine, and strychnine are good. Elixir, iron, quinine and strychnine from a half to one teaspoonful three times a day is a good tonic for an adult. Sulphide of calcium one-tenth grain four times a day is good. Paint the inflamed spot when it first begins, with a solution of gun cotton (collodion) and renew it every hour until a heavy contractile coating is formed. Poultices, if used, should contain sweet oil and laudanum. Alcohol and camphor applied over the skin in the early stages is recommended by Ringer. This I know is good. Another, wipe the skin and use camphorated oil. When boils occur in the external ear, the canal should be washed out with hot water. If it is ripe it should be opened. The following is good for the pain of a boil:
Iodoform 4 grains Menthol 2 grains Vaselin 1 dram
Mix and smear a cotton plug and insert in the ear two or three times a day.