Mothers’ remedies. 1. Eczema, Lemon or Vinegar for.—“Rub the spots with sliced lemon. This will sometimes relieve the itching. Bathing with vinegar water is better for some as it destroys the germs.” The bowels should be kept open, and then constitutional faults removed as the eruption of the skin is but a local manifestation of a functional fault.
2. Eczema, Olive Oil and Powder for.—“Bathe with olive oil and sift over the skin a powder composed of equal parts of fine laundry starch and oxide of zinc powder.” Do not bathe with water until healed.
3. Eczema, Herb Tea for.—“A good wash for eczema is made of an ounce of bruised blood-root and yellow dock, steeped well in a pint of alcohol, and half pint of vinegar.” Apply gently to the affected parts.
4. Eczema, Potato and Camphor for.—“Make a poultice of a cold potato with a small quantity of camphor. This is very good and relieves the trouble very soon.”
5. Eczema, Sulphur and Lard for.—“An excellent eczema cure is made by applying a paste made of sulphur and lard to the affected parts.” This is very easily prepared, and has been known to cure many cases.
[Skin diseases 65]
6. Skin Diseases, Burdock Tea a Standard Remedy for.—“Take a handful of the freshly bruised burdock root to two quarts of water and boil down one-half; drink from a half to one pint a day.” This is considered one of the best home remedies for skin diseases that is known and is perfectly harmless.
7. Skin Disease, Blood Purifier for.—
“Iodide Potash 192 grains Fluid Extract Stillingia 1 ounce Fluid Extract Prickly Ash Bark 1/2 ounce Fluid Extract Yellow Dock 1 ounce Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla to make 8 ounces
8. Tetter, Reliable Remedy for.—“Turpentine 1 ounce, red precipitate 3 drams, vaselin 4 ounces. Mix, rub on the affected parts several times a day.” This is a splendid ointment for a severe case of tetter.
Physicians’ treatment for Eczema.—Water is likely to make acute cases worse. In order to cleanse the parts use water softened by starch or bran. Use oily preparations to soften the crusts and then they can be removed with water and good soap.
In Chronic Sluggish Cases.—Water and strong soaps may be used. Cloths wrung from hot water and applied, will frequently relieve the itching. Use lotions in moist and salves in dry eczema. For the acute kind the remedy should be soothing, and more or less stimulating for the chronic forms.
Local Treatment for the acute and sub-acute (between acute and chronic) eczema.
In acute cases, with much pouring out of liquid (serum), lotions have a cooling effect. They should be frequently renewed.
1. Black Wash.
Calomel 1 dram Mucilage Tragacanth 1 dram Lime water 10 ounces
Mix. Can be used full strength or diluted. Bathe the affected parts several times daily for fifteen or twenty minutes with this lotion and apply oxide of zinc ointment afterwards.