Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Tumefaction (tu-me-fak’-shun).  A swelling.  Puffiness.

Tumor (tu’mor).  Morbid enlargement.

Tympanum (tim’pa-num).  The middle ear.

Typhoid (ti’foid).  Resembling typhus.

Typhus (ti’-fus).  A contagious fever characterized by a petechial
                  (spotted) eruption, high fever and great prostration.

Ulcer (ul’-ser).  An open sore other than a wound.

Ulna (ul’nah).  A bone of the forearm on the side opposite that of the

Urea (u-re’ah).  A white, crystallizable substance from the urine, blood
                and lymph.

Ureter (u-re’-ter).  The tube that conveys the urine from the kidney to the

Urethra (u-re’thra).  A membranous canal extending from the bladder to the

Urine (u’rin).  The fluid secreted by the kidneys, stored in the bladder
               and discharged through the urethra.

Uric Acid (u’rik a’sid).  One of the nitrogenous end products of
                         metabolism, found in the urine and spleen.

Uterus (u’ter-us).  The womb.

Uvula (u’vu-lah).  The pendulum (tip) of the soft palate.

Vaccine (vak’sin).  The virus used in vaccinating.

Variolus (va-ri’o-lus).  Pertaining to or of the nature of smallpox.

Varicose (var’ik-os).  Swollen, knotted and tortuous blood vessels.

Vagina (vaj-i’-nah).  A sheath.  The canal from the slit of the vulva.

Vaginismus (vaj-in-iz’-mus).  Painful spasm of the vagina due to local

Valetudinarian (val’e-tu-din-a-re-an).  A person of infirm or feeble habit
                                       of body.

Vascular (vas’ku-lar).  Pertaining to or full of vessels.

Venery (ven’er-e).  Sexual intercourse.

Venous (ve’nus).  Of or pertaining to the veins.

Venesection (ven-a-sek’shun).  The opening of a vein for the purpose of

Ventilation (ven-til’a-shun).  The act or process of supplying fresh air.

Vermifuge (ver’mif-uj).  Having the power to expel worms.

Ventral (ven’-tral).  Pertaining to the belly side.

Ventricle (ven’trik-l).  Any small cavity.

Vertebra (ver’te-brah).  Anyone of the thirty-three bones of the spinal

Vertigo (ver’tig-o).  Giddiness; dizziness.

Virulent (vir’u-lent).  Exceedingly noxious or deleterious.

[908 Mothersremedies]

Virus (vi’rus).  Any animal poison; especially one produced by and capable
                of transmitting a disease.

Viscus (vis’-kus).  Pl.-Viscera (vis’-er-a).  Any large interior organ in
                                             either of two great cavities
                                             of the body, especially the

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.