Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Condition.—­An over secretion, or alteration and retention of the fatty (sebaceous) matter, and this is followed by inflammation involving the glands, ducts of the glands, and hair follicles.  Pus often forms and tissue may be destroyed.

[54 Mothersremedies]

Causes.—­These skin glands are active at the time of puberty.  The active cause may be the stomach troubles, constipation, womb disorders, and poor general nutrition.

Physicianstreatment for Acne.—­All stomach troubles, constipation, and womb troubles should be looked into and remedied.  The diet and hygiene must be regulated.  Food that stimulates and is hard to digest should be prohibited.  When there is dyspepsia and constipation, bitter tonics, like compound tincture of gentian, one dram before meals, or pepsin (five grains) and loosening medicines like salts should be given.

Tincture of Nux Vomica is a good stomach and bowel tonic given in doses of one to two drops before meals.

Calomel, one-half grain at night for a few nights, followed in the morning by epsom salts or some mineral water like Abilena or Hunjadi is useful.  The following is a good combination by Dr. Schalek: 

Tincture of Nux Vomica       2 drams
Dilute Nitro Muriatic Acid   4 drams
Sherry Wine enough for       3 ounces

Mix and take one teaspoonful three times a day.

Diet.—­See diet for dyspepsia and constipation.  All fatty, greasy, rich foods are prohibited.

Local Treatment.—­If the skin is quite red and tender, mild soothing applications should be used.  Most cases require vigorous treatment.  First wash the parts with warm water and the best soap, rinse with hot water and then dry carefully.  Remove the black-heads by careful pressure of the fingers, or with black-head extractor; the pimples and pustules should be freely cut, to allow the matter to escape and all the matter taken out.

External Medication, Ointment and Lotions.—­Lotions are to be preferred in cases of oily discharge.  If the skin becomes rough and chapped, soap should not be used in washing, and a soothing ointment should be applied.  Drugs used are for stimulating the skin and healing the lesions.

1.  Soothing Ointment.—­

Precipitated Sulphur     1 dram
Benzoinated Lard       1/2 ounce
Lanolin                1/2 ounce

For local use but not in oily cases. (Dr. Schalek.)

2.  The following used as a soothing lotion: 

Washed Sulphur           2-1/2 drams
Spirits of Camphor           3 drams
Biborate of Sodium           2 drams
Glycerin                     6 drams
Distilled water enough for   4 ounces

Mix and shake well and apply freely so as to leave a film on the face. 
(Dr. Schalek.)

[Skin diseases 55]

3.  Dr. Duhring’s Lotion, following: 

Precipitated Sulphur   2 drams
Glycerin               2 drams
Alcohol                1 ounce
Lime water             1 ounce
Rose water             2 ounces

Mix and shake before using and apply.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.