Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Pineapple.—­Pare and remove the eyes from pineapple, then grate.  Weigh the pulp and heat two-thirds of its weight in sugar.  Cook the pineapple in an uncovered dish for some time.  Then add the juice of one lemon for each pound of fruit.  Then add the sugar and boil until thick,—­about five minutes.  Pour into sterilized jelly glasses.

[826 Mothersremedies]

Pickles.—­Under this heading are classified pickles and relishes, such as chili sauce, chow chows and catsups.  Pickling is preserving in salt or acid liquor.  Pickles do not contain much nutritive value, but add much to a meal in making it attractive.  Cucumber pickles should never look as green when pickled as the fruit on the vine; if they do it is almost certain that some preservative has been used.

Sweet Pickled Pears or Peaches.—­

      1 peck peaches. 4 lbs. brown sugar.
      1 quart vinegar. 2 ozs. stick cinnamon. 

Boil sugar, vinegar and cinnamon for 20 minutes.  Dip peaches quickly in hot water and rub off fur with a towel.  Stick each peach with three or four cloves, put into syrup and cook until soft.  Cook only enough fruit at a time to fill one jar.  Seal in sterilized jars.  Pears may be prepared in the same way.

Chili Sauce.—­

25 ripe tomatoes (medium sized). 1/2 cup brown sugar. 4 large white onions. 6 peppers. (chopped fine) 4 teaspoons of ginger. 4 teaspoons of allspice 1 teaspoons of cloves. 2 tablespoons of salt. 1 qt. vinegar.

Mix these materials and cook for one hour, stirring occasionally.  The consistency should be quite thick and more than an hour’s cooking may be necessary.  Strain or not as desired, but if strained put back in the kettle and bring to the boiling point before scaling.  Use tall wide necked bottles and fill to overflowing, using the same precautions as you would in canning fruit.  The chili sauce is quite “hot,” but this can be remedied by altering the number of peppers and onions.  In preparing, the tomatoes should be washed; scalded and peeled.  The peppers should be washed in cold water, the stems removed and the peppers chopped finely.  Chop the onions finely in the same bowl as the peppers.

Olive Oil Pickles.—­

8 qts. sliced cucumbers. 1 teaspoon cloves. 1 cup olive oil. 1 teaspoon allspice. 1 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon celery seed. 1 teaspoon mustard seed. 4 teaspoons cinnamon.  One dozen onions.

Slice the cucumbers thin and let stand over night in a weak brine.  In the morning drain, add the onions sliced thin.  Mix the ingredients given.  Put the cucumbers and onions in a crock, pour over the mixture and add enough vinegar to cover.  Mix well.

[Domestic science 827]

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.