Physicians’ treatment.—1. Santonin in small doses and mild purgatives like rhubarb. Santonin in doses of one-tenth of a grain can be given for two days, three or four times a day, preceded by spiced syrup of rhubarb, one dram dose, and also followed by the rhubarb. In children the cold injections of strong salt and water is effective. They should be repeated for ten days. The hips should be well elevated so that the injection can be retained for some time.
2. Quassia chips 1 ounce
Common salt
1/2 ounce
1 pint
Soak over night and inject slowly all the bowels will hold. Repeat once each week till all are removed.
3. Dr. Tooker of Chicago, Illinois, recommends the following:—Give an injection of an infusion of fresh garlic for two or three nights in succession, using, to make the infusion, a small bunch of garlic in a pint of water, steeped down to one-quarter pint.
4. Dr. Tooker gives another method which is often successful. Anoint the anus for several nights in succession with sweet oil, using the little finger to insert the oil as far into the rectum as the fingers will reach.
5. Another Remedy. Inject cod-liver oil (pure) into the bowel or make into an emulsion with the yolk of an egg and then inject.
[48 Mothers’ remedies]
6. Spearmint Remedy.—Make an infusion of the common spearmint and inject some in the bowel every night for one week. Some can be taken internally at the same time.
Oil of Wormseed 1/2 ounce Oil of Turpentine 1-1/2 dram Castor Oil 2 ounces Fluid extract of Pink Root 3 drams Hydrastin 10 grains Syrup of Peppermint 4 drams
One teaspoonful three times a day one hour before meals to a child ten years old. If it physics to much give less often. Good for both kinds of worms.
8. Tincture of Cina; to accompany any injection.—I give the Tincture of Cina (Homeopathic preparation) in from one-quarter to two or three drop doses, three or four times a day, always after I have given the other worm remedies. It can be given for weeks without producing bad effects. The dose can be made less for weakly children; or greater in grown people. It is good to give in small doses in pin worms when injections are used. It seems to prevent their formation. It is also a good remedy for the worms puppies are troubled with. I have saved the lives of a good many little fellows with this remedy.