Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Supper.—­The supper should be simple.  Sandwiches, cocoa, jellies, and fancy cookies not too rich.  After the supper they may dance “Sir Roger de Coverley,” or some simple form all know, and then little souvenirs may be distributed in a way that leads to a hunt.  Notes are written and put in a bag; each child takes one; the note directs where to look.  All rush pell mell to that spot.  There they find directions to look somewhere else, and finally each gets a little card or a note directing a search at some particular place, say in a basket in the hall or in the dining room, where each finds and unwraps a little gift.  Or a large paper sack filled with wrapped bonbons is hung between folding doors, each child blindfolded in turn, given a cane and instructed to hit the sack if he can.  Presently the paper is broken and the youngsters scramble for the contents.  Each little guest should thank the giver of the party and the mother for the pleasure enjoyed.  The little host or hostess should stand where they can make their adieus, for it is no longer proper to “take French leave” on any occasion except “a crush.”

Games for Older Children.—­Older children enjoy a peanut hunt, or a spider party where they follow a twine through a labyrinth of loopings and find a small prize at the end, or a book party, where each guest represents the title of some book.  Thus Ouida’s “Under Two Flags” could be very easily represented.  Young folks always enjoy “dressing up,” and any hostess can either find directions for some form of fancy dress, or invent something new for herself.  St. Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, May Day, the Fourth of July, Hallowe’en, have their traditional decorations, and games, and suggest their own refreshments.  Elaborate refreshments have rather gone out of style.

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Concerning engagements.

A marriage engagement is one of the most serious contracts into which young people can enter, second only to actual marriage.  It is not to be lightly entered upon.  It is no credit to a girl to have been several times affianced; indeed, it almost invariably occasions unfavorable comment.  There may be reasons for breaking one engagement, but when it comes to the second, Mrs. Grundy makes remarks, and is inclined to blame the girl, either for too great haste to wed, or for being fickle and capricious,

A girl should be very sure of herself before she gives her promise.  She must respect the man, and have faith and confidence in him, and not permit herself to be carried away by considerations of wealth and position.  If there is anything about him she dislikes, she may be sure dislike will become aversion after marriage, unless she has a genuine affection for him.

Parental Wishes.—­She should not engage herself without consulting her parents.  Where can she find better advice than from those who have cared for her so long and faithfully?  Where there is parental disapproval, a girl should show her respect for her parents’ opinion by avoiding a hasty decision.  Men know men much better than women can ever know them; and the opposition of a father or older brother should have due consideration.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.