Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Crust Coffee.—­Toast bread very brown, pour on boiling water, strain and add cream and sugar.  Good for stomach and diarrhea.

Cream Soup.—­One pint boiling water, one-half cup of cream, add pieces of toasted bread and a little salt.

Cinnamon Tea.—­To 1/2 pint fresh milk add stick or ground cinnamon, enough to flavor, and white sugar to taste; bring to the boiling point and take either warm or cold.  Excellent for diarrhea in children or adults.

Barley Water.—­Add two ounces pearl barley to 1/2 pint of boiling water; simmer five minutes, drain and add 2 qts. boiling water, add two ounces of sliced figs, and two ounces of raisins; boil until reduced to one quart.  Strain for drink.

Arrowroot Custard.—­One tablespoonful of arrowroot, one pint milk, one egg, two tablespoons sugar.  Mix the arrowroot with a little cold milk and beat in the egg and sugar, pour into the boiling milk and scald until thickened, flavor and pour into cups to cool.

Odors.—­A few drops of oil of lavender poured into a glass of very hot water will purify the air of the room almost instantly from cooking odors; the effect is especially refreshing in a sick room.

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Dainty Way to Serve Egg on Toast.—­Pile the well-beaten white of an egg on a slice of buttered toast, which has been softened with hot water.  Make a hollow in the white and drop the yolk therein.  Set in the oven to cook the egg.

Oatmeal Gruel.—­Pour boiling water over a cupful of rolled oats, stir and let stand a moment, then strain off the liquid.  Season with sugar and a little cream if desired.  Especially good for children.

Prepared Flour for Summer Complaint.—­Take a double handful of flour, tie up in a cloth and cook from three to six hours in a kettle of boiling water.  Take out and remove the cloth and you have a hard, round ball.  Keep in a dry, cool place.  Prepare by grating from this ball into boiling milk enough to make it as thick as you desire, stirring it just before removing from the fire with a stick of cinnamon to give it a pleasant flavor.  Salt the milk a little.  This is very good for children having summer complaint.

Chicken Broth.—­Take the first and second joints of a chicken, boil in a quart of water until tender, season with a very little salt and pepper.

Fever Drinks—­Pour cold water on wheat bran, let boil one-half hour, strain and add sugar and lemon juice.  Pour boiling water on flaxseed and let stand until it is ropy, pour into hot lemonade and drink.

Egg Gruel.—­Beat the yolk of an egg with one tablespoonful sugar, beating the white separately; add one cup boiling water to that yolk, then stir in the whites and add any seasoning.  Good for a cold.

Diabetic Bread.—­Take one quart of set milk or milk and water, one heaping teaspoonful of good butter, one-fifth of a cake of compressed yeast beaten up with a little water, and two well-beaten eggs.  Stir in gluten flour until a soft dough is formed; knead as in making ordinary bread; place in pans to raise, and when light bake in hot oven.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.