Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Oatmeal Gruel.—­Boil one part oatmeal and two parts water in double boiler two hours; strain through gravy strainer, add one quart sweet cream, a little sugar, pinch of salt.  Do not make it too sweet.

Raspberry Shrub.—­Place red raspberries in a stone jar and cover them with good cider vinegar, let stand over night, next morning strain and to one pint of juice add one pint of sugar, boil ten minutes, bottle hot.  When desiring to use place two tablespoonfuls full of the liquid in a glass of ice water; very nice.

Root Beer.—­Take blackberry root, black cherry bark, spruce boughs, wintergreens, sarsaparilla roots; steep in a large vessel till all the goodness is out; strain, and when lukewarm put in a cup of yeast, let work, bottle up, sugar to sweeten.

Cream Toast.—­Toast a piece of light bread and moisten it with hot water; butter and then put on a layer of sweet cream on top and place in oven a moment.  This is easily digested.

Lemon Jelly.—­On one box gelatine pour 1 pint cold water and let stand one or two hours.  Then put on 4 cups of granulated sugar, squeeze juice of 4 lemons with the grated rind of one.  When gelatine is dissolved, pour over it one quart boiling water and stir.  Pour this over sugar and lemon juice and stir thoroughly until all is dissolved; strain.  Put fruit in if desired—­turn into molds, cool until firm.

[Nursing department 647]

Baked Custard.—­One quart milk. 4 eggs beaten light (separately). 5 tablespoons sugar, mixed with the yolks; nutmeg and vanilla.  Scald but do not boil the milk, add, gradually, yolks and sugar, then add whites and flavor.  Pour into dish or cups, set in pan of hot water, grate nutmeg over top and bake until firm.  Eat cold.

Mountain Dew.—­Yolks of two eggs, 3 crackers (rolled),—­four if small. 1 pint milk, pinch of salt, cook in double boiler.  Beat whites of two eggs stiff, add 3/4 cup sugar, lemon extract for flavor.  Set in oven and brown.  This will serve four people.

Raspberry Vinegar.—­Equal parts of red and black raspberries, wash them and cover with cider vinegar, let stand over night.  Strain and to each pint of juice take 1 lb. white sugar and boil 15 minutes.  Bottle ready for use.  To drink use about 2 tablespoons in glass of ice water.

Milk Porridge.—­l tablespoon each of cornmeal and wheat flour wet to a paste with cold water, cook in two cups boiling water twenty minutes, then add 2 cups milk and cook a few minutes, stirring often.

Lemon Velvet.—­l qt. milk, 2 cups sugar, juice of 2 lemons.  Chill the milk, then add the sugar and lemon mixed, and freeze like sherbet.

Ice Cream.—­Mix 3 cups sugar and 2 tablespoons flour and stir into 2 qts. hot milk until flour is cooked.  When cool add 1 qt. cream, whipped, and one tablespoonful vanilla.  Freeze.

Sago Custard.—­Soak 2 tablespoons sago in a tumbler of water an hour or more, then boil in same until clear.  Add a tumbler of sweet milk; when it boils add sugar to taste, then a beaten egg and flavoring.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.