5. Croup, Remedy that Never Fails.—“Two tablespoonfuls of liquor or brandy and one-quarter teaspoonful of glycerin, one teaspoonful of sugar, one tablespoonful of water; stir up well and give one teaspoonful every hour or oftener if necessary. Then at same time take a flannel and soak well in cold water, wring it gently and put around neck with a heavy, dry flannel over the damp one. If damp flannel becomes hot take it off, dampen it in more cold water and apply again, and so on until relieved. Do not allow the patient to get chilled. Better results are obtained if patient will go to bed. Remarks: I have used this in my family, and have always found it to be the best croup cure I have ever seen, and it will be found to give immediate relief. The external application is extremely good.”
6. Croup, Coal Oil (kerosene) and Sugar for.—“Coal oil and sugar; put a few drops on a teaspoonful of sugar.” The coal oil produces vomiting, relieving the trouble. If the first dose does not have this effect upon the child, repeat it.
[Respiratory diseases 29]
7. Croup, Pork and Onion Poultice for.—“Put pork and onions on the throat. Drink plenty of hot water.” Bind the pork and onions on the throat, acting as a poultice. The virtue of this can be increased by cooking the onions and pork together. Onion syrup may be given internally to produce vomiting, even in very small babies.
8. Croup, Bloodroot for.—“One teaspoonful powdered bloodroot mixed with molasses or sugar. Have taken this myself and it relieved at once. If one dose does not seem enough it may be repeated.” This is a very effective remedy, but is very weakening. Care should be taken not to repeat dose any oftener than absolutely necessary.
9. Croup, Time Honored Remedy for.—“Pulverized alum and sugar or honey or molasses; mix together and give half teaspoonful doses or less. For infants use only in emergency cases.” This is one of the good old-fashioned remedies that nearly every mother has used. It acts simply by producing vomiting and causing the air tubes to relax. Repeat in five to twenty minutes until it causes vomiting.
10. Croup, Ipecac for.—“One-third teaspoonful of powdered ipecac dissolved in one teaspoonful of water, one tablespoonful of sugar; pour on one teacupful of boiling water and let boil down to a half cup, Dose: One teaspoonful for adults; children in proportion every two hours; or, if needed to vomit children give again in ten or fifteen minutes.” If you cannot secure the powdered ipecac, the syrup can be bought at any drug store, and is already prepared, Dose: Ten to fifteen drops as the case may need.
11. Croup, Vaselin for.—“Vaselin rubbed on the chest, cover with a hot flannel, and take 1/4 teaspoonful of vaselin internally occasionally.” Dissolve vaselin and repeat dose if necessary to produce vomiting.
12. Croup, Ice Application for.—“Ice applied to the throat is almost instant relief.” It is best to break the ice up fine and sprinkle salt on same, putting it in a cheese cloth bag, binding on the throat with a flannel, and change as soon as it shows signs of wetting.