Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

How should the bottles be prepared before the food for the whole day is put in them and pasteurized, etc.?  They should be thoroughly rinsed in hot soap suds, and then rinsed and boiled in clear water for ten minutes.

[All about baby 575]

What about the nipples?  Rinse them first in cold then in hot water and allow them to stand in a covered cup of boric acid solution or borax water solution one teaspoonful to a pint of water.  Once or twice each day they should be turned inside out and scrubbed with a brush and water.  The hole in the nipple should be only large enough for a rather coarse needle to go through.  The hole in the nipple can be made by such a needle heated red hot and then run through the nipple.

When can you begin to add barley and oatmeal gruel to the baby’s milk?  In the third month.  The gruel should be made daily.  If the child is not constipated use barley gruel; if constipated use the oatmeal gruel.

If you cannot get the flour, how can you prepare the gruel from the grain?  Take two teaspoonfuls of barley or three of oatmeal and allow it to soak over night in cold water; add one quart of cold water the next morning and boil steadily down to a pint, (for about four hours), then strain through muslin.

Do some physicians advise feeding nursing babies one or two meals daily, beginning the fourth month?  Yes.

What strength should it be?  Use the formula for bottle-fed babies of the first month and the same amounts.

How can you calculate the amount necessary?  Take one-eighth or one-fourth either for one or two meals daily of the separate ingredients mentioned in the formula for the first month.

Following order may be as follows:  First give baby three ounces of the formula, and if all goes well in a day or two give him three and one-half ounces and miss one meal at the breast.  After one week if the baby is well suited, give him three ounces of the formula for the two-months-old baby; wait a few days, then give him four ounces of this formula at the one meal.  Then in a week’s time if all goes well, give him four ounces of the formula for the three month’s baby.  Use this for one week, and then give him four and one-half ounces of the same formula.  If after another week is past, there are no signs of indigestion, give him four ounces of the four-month formula, and if he enjoys this very much wait for a day or two and then increase the amount to four and one-half ounces of the same formula, and then to five ounces; as he grows older give him of the same formula as the bottle-fed infant of the same age, and the same amount at the one feeding; if he vomits or has curds in his stools or colic keep him on a weak formula longer than formerly advised.

If you have fed a breast-fed baby one meal a day from the bottle when can he be given two feedings from the bottle?  During the tenth month.

Cowsmilk.—­Does cows’ milk contain all the elements present in the mother’s milk?  Yes, but in different proportions.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.