5. Lard or camphorated oil rubbed on the nose and throat twice a day is good.
6. To Restore the Loss of the Voice.—
Oil of wintergreen 2 drams
Lanolin or vaseline 1 ounce
Mix and rub on the throat at night and put on flannel until morning. This will relieve the loss of voice very promptly.
7. Put a quart of boiling water in a pitcher; add from two to four drams of the compound tincture of benzoin and inhale the hot vapor. Wrap both head and pitcher in a towel. This is very good for sore throat also.
8. Herb Teas for.—Ginger tea, catnip, hoarhound, pennyroyal, etc.; hot, are all good to produce sweating and thus relieve cold.
9. From Dr. Ball, a London, England, Specialist.—
Menthol 30 grains
Eucalyptol 30 drops
Carbolic acid 2 drams
Rectified spirits of wine 1 dram
Mix thoroughly; a teaspoonful to be put into a pint (or less) of hot water and the steam to be inhaled through the nose for four or five minutes. This is useful in acute colds, especially in the later stages, and in chronic catarrh, etc.
[14 Mothers’ remedies]
10. When the stage is rather marked or prolonged spray or syringe out the nose with tepid solution once or twice a day using the following:
Bicarbonate of soda 3 to 5 grains
Borax 3 to 5 grains
Tepid water 1 ounce
Use a spray, douche, or gargle in chronic catarrh and chronic pharyngitis. When you wish to use a large quantity, mix an equal quantity each of soda and borax and put a couple teaspoonfuls to each pint of warm water and use.
Catarrh. (Chronic Inflammation of the Nose, Chronic Rhinitis). Causes.— Frequent attacks of colds, irritating gases and dust, adenoids, enlarged tonsils, spurs on the septum (partition bone) or foreign bodies in the nose, like corn, beans, stone, etc.
Symptoms and Course.—There are alterations of the secretions: the amount varies in the same case at different times. Sometimes it is thin and watery, or thick, sticky mucus or this may alternate with more watery discharges. It may be mucus and pus or entirely pus. Frequently the secretions discharge into the throat and cause efforts to clear it by hawking and spitting. The secretion sometimes dries and forms crusts in the fore part of the turbinated bones and partition. Patients frequently pick the nose for this crust and ulceration may result at that point from its doing. Bleeding often occurs from picking the scales from the ulcers, and perforation of the partition may take place from extension of the ulceration. There is a feeling of stuffiness. There is some obstruction to breathing. If there is much thickness of the structures, nasal obstruction is a persistent symptom. Changed voice, mouth-breathing, etc., are noticed. A sensation of pain or weight across the bridge of the nose is sometimes complained of and this symptom is especially found associated with enlargement of the middle turbinated body on one or both sides, etc.