Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Grows (where).—­Europe and America in fields, woods, pastures.

Prepared (how).—­Decoction, half ounce of plant to six ounces of water and boil down to three ounces.  Juice of the herb is also used.

Diseases, Dose, etc.—­In menorrhagia either can be used, as well as in other diseases.  Tablespoonful of decoction every hour.  The expressed juice in two or three tablespoonful doses may be taken three times a day.

[Herb department 447]

Yellow dock.  Rumex Crispus.

Internally, used for.—­Skin disease, scrofula, syphilis, scurvy.

Externally, used for.—­Fresh root bruised in cream is good applied to ulcers, tumors and itch.

Part used.—­The root.

Gather.—­Early autumn.

Flowers (when).—­June and July.

Grows (where).—­In pastures, dry fields, etc.

Prepared (how).—­One ounce root to a pint of boiling water.  Let steep.

Diseases, Dose, etc.—­One or two ounces, three times a day; or half ounce every three hours.  This is a good remedy.  Some people should commence with smaller doses.

[448 Mothersremedies]


The treatment of about one hundred twenty
diseases according to homeopathy

In cities and in most towns Homeopathic medicine will be found in drug stores in their special preparations.  Some drug stores handle Homeopathic medicines exclusively.

Medicines.—­Homeopathic medicines should be kept in a dry cool place.  Do not leave them standing open among odors or exposed to bright lights.  The following are among those common for home use: 

List of Remedies.

Aconitum                Colocynthis           Phosphorus
Antimonium crudum       Cuprum metallicum     Pulsatilla
Antimonium tartaricum   Gelsemium             Rhus toxicodendron
Apis                    Hepar Sulphuricum     Sanguinaria
Arnica radix            Hyoscyamus            Sepia
Arsenicum               Ipecacuanha           Silicea
Belladonna              Lycopodium            Spigelia
Bryonia                 Mercurius             Spongia
Chamomilla              Natrum muriaticum     Sulphur
China                   Nux Vomica            Veratrum album
Cina                    Opium
Cinchona (see China)    Phosphoric acid

Fluid for External Use.

      Arnica.  Calendula.

Care of Medicine in the Sick Room.—­Use a clean tumbler and when not using cover the tumbler with a small saucer or piece of cardboard.  Set it in a cool place and where it is free from odors, as liquid medicines exposed are likely to take up such impurities.

[Homeopathy 449]

Directions for using homeopathic medicines.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.