I have given a longer description of the diseases of the ear than I intended when I began this part of the work. Diseases of the ear are becoming quite frequent, and the subject is important. I did not give much general medical treatment because I consider the local treatment is of more importance in a work of this kind. In treating the baby, I shall give more medical treatment. I shall treat the disease also, especially in relation to the baby. There can be more local applications used than those given. If the hot treatment is thought best, not only hot water and poultices of many kinds can be used, but fomentations of hops, etc., and hot water cloths alone. The intent of such treatment is to keep hot moist applications to the part continually. The use of laudanum in poultices used for ear trouble is not recommended because its soothing power may obscure symptoms that might appear and be dangerous in themselves and need quick and thorough treatment. The syringing of hot water into the external canal is often of great help. Five to ten grains of boric acid can be used in an ounce of water. If there is much odor to the discharge, you can use one part of carbolic acid to fifty parts of boiled water. The water should not be used too hot. One teaspoonful of the acid to fifty teaspoonfuls of water, or that proportion. After using the hot water, the canal should be filled with gauze for protection and drainage. For the fever, the first twenty-four hours, one-tenth to one drop of aconite can be used every one to three hours. By putting one drop in ten teaspoonfuls of water you get one-tenth of a drop at a dose.
[Eye and ear 367]
Deafness.—This is usually the result of a disease and is merely a symptom. Diseases of the middle ear, rupture of the drum membrane, and large ulceration of this membrane cause it. Ear wax causes temporary deafness. Diseases of the throat and nose cause it very often, and deafness frequently accompanies catarrh of the nose. Adenoids cause it sometimes, especially in children.
Treatment.—The only way to prevent this trouble is to treat the disease that causes it. Discharge from the ear, due to ear disease should be treated from the first or it may cause permanent deafness in that ear. Many cases of scarlet fever leave deafness behind in one ear at least. This trouble should be closely watched during an attack of scarlet fever, and in other infectious diseases and proper treatment given.
Chronic deafness is hard to cure; so often some of the deeper parts of the ear are diseased. When a person recognizes that his hearing is growing less acute he should have his ear examined. People often let the trouble go too long before beginning treatment.
Mothers’ remedies. Deafness. 1. Quick and Effective Remedy for.—“Five or ten drops of onion juice put in the ear several times a day is very good. If there is any pain in the ear, add a drop or two of laudanum, or you may just use two or three drops of glycerin with the other ingredients. In about an hour after treating the ear in this manner, syringe it well with warm castile soap suds or warm milk.”