Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.
and had him examine my eyes.  He pulled out more wild hairs, and my eyes got well.  Ever since then, when my eyes begin to hurt me as though there was some foreign substance in them, I go to my neighbor and he pulls out the wild hairs, and that was the trouble with my eyes.  My experience in obtaining this knowledge cost me twenty dollars in fees to the eye specialist, which I could have saved by going to my neighbor at first,”

Mothersremedies.—­Sore Eyes. 1.  Rose Leaves Rest.—­“Steep rose leaves and apply often.”  Apply the leaves as a fomentation and relief will soon follow.  This is very soothing and very easily applied.

2.  Sore Eyes, Soothing Remedy for.—­“Use a wash of borax and water.  One-half teaspoonful to a cupful of water.”  This is very good.

3.  Sore Eyes.  Slippery Elm Excellent for.—­“This is a very soothing dressing far the eyes.  You can buy a small package of the slippery elm at any drug store, and prepare it by making a tea and using externally.

4.  Sore Eyes, Common Remedy for.—­“Use a wash night and morning of common table salt and water.”  This is often sold by druggists for 10 or 15 cents an ounce under a medical name.

5.  Sore Eyes, Elder Berry Flowers Relieve.—­“In a severe case of inflammation of the eyes apply a poultice of elderberry flowers; bathe the eyes with warm water and witch-hazel.”  This remedy was given by a mother who tried it a great many times and always had success.

6.  Sore Eyes.  Borax and Camphor Good Wash for.—­“Borax one teaspoonful, spirits of camphor fifteen drops, distilled water one-half cupful.  This makes a fine wash for sore eyes, and is perfectly harmless.”

[358 Mothersremedies]

7.  Sore Eyes, Tested Eye Wash for.—­

“Hydrastis (Golden Seal Root)     1/2 ounce
Best Green Tea                    1/2 ounce
Sulphate of Zinc, Pulverized        1 dram

Steep the root and tea for a few minutes in a pint of boiling water; while cooling add the sulphate of zinc; when cold strain well and bottle.  Use as an eye wash three times a day.  In severe cases a poultice is useful, made of pulverized slippery elm and warm milk and water.  All eye washes should be used with caution and especially those containing belladonna or caustic solutions,”

8.  Sore Eyes, Borate of Soda and Camphor Water Relieves.—­

    “Borate of Soda 2 grains
    Camphor Water (not spirits) 1 ounce

Mix, drop one or two drops in the eye four times a day.

Camphor water is made by allowing the gum to dissolve in water instead of alcohol, also saturate lint in this mixture and apply on the eyes.”


The external ear is called auricle or pinna.  It is an oval funnel-shaped organ.  The canal leading in to the membrane (drum) is called the external auditory meatus.  It extends inward about one and one-quarter inches and terminates in a membrane.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.