Physicians’ treatment for Rheumatism.—Preventive.—Avoid exposure as stated for other rheumatism. Rest the chest by strapping with adhesive plaster as in pleurisy. Porous plasters are good and liniments; sometimes help is obtained by rubbing freely with camphor. Hot dry or wet applications are frequently useful. Mustard plaster is very good when the space is not too great. Mix the mustard with the white of an egg and after it is taken off grease the part and keep on warm cloths. Hot foot baths and hot drinks of lemonade or teas, after which the person should go to bed and sweat and remain there for some hours.
[Constitutional diseases 325]
Oil of Wintergreen 1/2 to 1 ounce Compound Soap Liniment 8 ounces
Mix and rub on thoroughly.
Mothers’ remedies.—Lumbago, Menthol Liniment for.—Apply the menthol liniment, cover with a thick cloth and put the hot water bottle next to it and go to bed. If up through the day have a cotton batting sewed to cloth and keep affected parts warm, using the liniment freely.” The menthol liniment will be found an excellent remedy for lumbago, The menthol absorbs quickly and by applying the hot water bottle relief is sure to follow.
1. Weak Back, Vinegar and Salt for.—“One tablespoonful of salt and one tablespoonful of vinegar to a quart of hot water. Bathe the back, then rub well with sweet oil and relief will soon follow,”
2. Weak Back. Simple Remedy for.—“Aching may be relieved by taking a large pinch of buchu leaves, steep and drink. Sweeten if desired. Use a pint of water for steeping the leaves,” This is a good remedy for a weak back, resulting from kidney trouble. The buchu leaves acts quickly on the kidneys and it is surprising to see how quickly the backache will disappear. You can purchase a two ounce package for five cents at any drug store.
3. Weak Back, Good Liniment for.—
“Tincture of Aconite 1 ounce Oil of Wintergreen 1/2 ounce Tincture of Belladonna 1 ounce Tincture of Arnica 1 ounce Aqua Ammonia 2 ounces
Mix and use as a liniment.”
This is a very good liniment.
4. Lameness, Chloroform Liniment for.—“Chloroform liniment is the best for all lameness and sore limbs.”
5. Lameness, Plantain Leaves and Cream for.—“Make ointment from plantain laves, simmered in sweet cream or fresh butter. This is very cooling.”
Mothers’ remedies.—1. Rheumatism, Saltpetre Good in Cases of.—“One ounce of saltpetre to one pint of water. Take one teaspoonful of the above in a large glass of water, about six times daily.” The saltpetre acts on the kidneys, carrying off the impurities in this way. Care should be taken not to continue this treatment too long at a time, as continued use would result in injury to the kidneys.