Physicians’ treatment for Rheumatism.—Dr. Hare gives the following to rub on large joints:
1. Ichthyol 1/2 to 1 ounce
Lard 1 ounce
2. Tincture of Aconite 6 drams
Tincture Arnica
1 ounce
Oil of Turpentine
l ounce (l or 2)
Soap Liniment enough
for 8 ounces
Use as a liniment three times a day. This can be used for some weeks.
3. Strong Water of Ammonia 6 drams
Oil of Cajeput
1 dram
Tincture of Belladonna
1 to 2 ounces
Camphor Liniment enough
for 8 ounces
Use as a liniment.
4. Tincture of Aconite 1 ounce
Tincture Belladonna
2 drams
Strong Ammonia Water
4 drams
Chloroform Liniment
6 drams
Used as a liniment on chronic or inflamed muscles or joints.
5. Iodide of Potash 1/2 ounce
Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla
3 ounces
Distilled Water
3 ounces
Mix and take a dessertspoonful in a glass of water two hours after meals for chronic rheumatism.
[Illustration: Muscular System.]
[Constitutional diseases 323]
6. This is prepared by Parke, Davis & Co., and made into a syrup:
Red Clover 32 grains Queen’s Root 16 grains Barberry 10 grains Prickly Ash Bark 4 grains Burdock Root 16 grains Poke Root 16 grains Honduras Bark 16 grains Iodide of Potash 8 grains
This portion to each fluid ounce of the syrup.
7. The following is good:
Equal parts of each of the following:
Blue Cohosh Root
Black Cohosh Root
Poke Root
Yellow Dock Root
Blue Flag Root
Prickly Ash Root
Burdock Root
Dandelion Root
Bruise them thoroughly or grind them coarsely, steep and make a tea and drink freely of it. If you wish you can take three to five grains of Iodide of Potash to each dose. This may in time disorder the stomach and you may then stop it for a time. All these can be used in muscular rheumatism also. The food should not be rich or highly seasoned. Spices are bad for such patients. Pickles, mustard, etc., are best let alone.
Muscular rheumatism.—This is a very painful affection of the voluntary muscles, called also neuralgia, or according to its location, torticollis (stiff neck, wry neck), pleurodynia, lumbago (rheumatism in the back).