[Nervous system 275]
3. Sick Headache, Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia for.—“For a nervous headache there is nothing better for immediate relief than fifteen or twenty drops of the aromatic spirits of ammonia.” This relieves the pain and quiets the nerves and stimulates the heart.
4. Sick Headache, Camphor Application for.—“A very simple but effective remedy is a cloth wet with spirits of camphor and sprinkled with black pepper applied to the head gives almost instant relief.”
5. Headache, Soda and Peppermint for.—“One teaspoonful (level) of soda in two-thirds glass of hot water, add five or eight drops of oil of peppermint and a little sugar. Drink quite warm. This has been often tried and proven to be a success.” The soda will relieve any gas in the stomach and the peppermint aids digestion and relieves sickness of the stomach.
6. Sick Headache, Lemon Good for.—“One lemon before breakfast will help to keep off sick headache. Have never found a remedy to cure sick headaches. A sack of hot salt will always help the pain.” The lemon will help to tone up the stomach and the salt applied to the head will help the pain by relieving the congestion. It is always well to take a good cathartic after a spell of sick headache.
Physicians’ treatment for Sick Headache.—
1. Antipyrine 25 grains
Citrate of Caffeine 10
Bromide of Potash 25
Mix and make into five powders. One powder as needed. (You might take second one in three hours.) This is not good when it is bilious sick headache. In fact, it would make it worse. It is good for sick headache and neuralgia due to eye or nerve strain, but then the first remedy, antipyrine, can be left out. It is not needed. I would then put twice as much of the bromide of potash, fifty grains, and take a powder every two hours until better.
2. Citrate of Caffeine 1/2 dram (30 grains)
Phenacetine 60
Bicarbonate of soda 60
Aromatic powder 12
Mix and make twelve powders. Take one every three hours. This is good. Sometimes it is depressing on the heart for some people, due to the phenacetine. Acetanilid can be substituted in same dose.
(The homeopathic treatment is very successful in relieving spells of sick headache. See chapter on Homeopathy.)
3. Sodium Phosphate, taken every morning, about one-half to one teaspoonful in hot water. It is good for the bowels and liver.
4. Prescription for the Liver and Bowels in Sick Headache.—
Sulphate of soda 30
Salicylate of soda 10
Sulphate of Magnesia 1
Benzoate of Lithia 5
Tincture of Nux Vomica 3
Distilled water 4
This mixture should be made up in large quantity and placed in a siphon by one of the concerns which charge soda water, and from one-quarter to one-half a glass of this water, at ordinary temperature, is to be taken every morning at least one-half an hour before breakfast; enough being taken to insure an adequate bowel movement during the forenoon. This ought to be a good combination to use regularly.