Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

[Nervous system 271]

Headache from constipation.—­This is frequent.  There is generally a dull, heavy feeling in the forehead, the head feels full and sometimes dizzy, the patient feels blue and morose, the tongue is coated on its back part, mouth tastes bitter, patient is drowsy and stupid and work goes hard.  A free passage from the bowels relieves the headache.

Treatment.—­Cure the constipation as directed in another part of the book.  Take a good full enema of warm soap suds and water, and one drop of tincture of nux vomica every hour for six hours during the attack.

Bilious headache.—­This is so-called because the bilious symptoms are the most prominent.  It may be caused by violent anger, disputes, excessive eating causing congestion of the liver; abuse of spirits; some persons are of a bilious constitution and the least error in diet and habit produces such an attack.  The pain may be violent or dull, the head may throb terribly; the whites of the eyes have a yellowish look, and the face may be of a dark brown hue, the patient may vomit bile.  The vomiting causes more brain distress.  The mouth is bitter, the tongue coated yellowish, the breath smells badly.  Bowels may be irregular.

Treatment.—­A free movement of the bowels often relieves.  First take an enema and then one-half ounce of epsom salts.  Do not eat anything but drink all the water you may wish.  A tea made of blue flag is often of benefit.  The diet should be regulated so as not to overload the stomach and liver and the bowels should move freely daily.

Womb headache.—­Women who suffer from womb troubles such as leucorrhea, torn cervix, falling womb displacements and diseases of the inner womb, ovaries and tubes, suffer from all kinds of headache.  The pain may be in the nape of the neck, the back part of the head and on the top behind (occiput).  It may come on suddenly when the womb is displaced by a sudden fall or over-lifting, etc.  The woman should then go to bed and lie down with her arms crossed over her chest, with the knees drawn up and weight resting upon them and chest with the buttocks elevated, (knee-chest-position).  This replaces the womb.  The other troubles should be corrected or these headaches will keep on.  The womb and its appendages are the cause of many kinds of headaches, neuralgias, dyspepsia, and constipation; correct the troubles and the headache will disappear.

Menstrual headaches.—­These are very common.  They may be regular every month, and they are then caused by some trouble with the womb or ovaries, or may be due to a run-down condition or heredity.  It comes sometimes from suppression of the menses as a consequence of some violent emotion, fright, anger, grief, or by exposure to wet, draughts of air, privations, over-fatigue, etc.  It may last for several days.  The headache may be mild or severe.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.