Mothers’ remedies. Nervousness. 1. Catnip Tea for.—“A tea made of catnip will quiet the nerves. This is good for women when they are apt to be nervous.”
2. Nervousness, Hops Will Stop.—“Purchase a small package of hops at any drug store, and make a tea of it, drinking frequently in tablespoonful doses.” It is a harmless remedy, and should be used more freely by nervous people. The hops are very soothing. Nervous mothers should never be without this. It is surprising to see how few people know the value of some of these simple home remedies.
3. Nervousness, Effective Remedy for.—
“Spirits of Camphor 1/2 ounce Comp. Spirits of Lavender 1/2 ounce Tincture of Valerian 1 ounce Sulphuric Ether 1/2 ounce
Mix. Dose, one or two teaspoonfuls every three hours.”
[268 Mothers’ remedies]
The foregoing remedy is very effective, as spirits of camphor and the tincture valerian quiet the nerves. The sulphuric ether also has a soothing effect. This combination makes a fine tonic, but should not be taken too long, as it is quite strong.
4. Nervousness, Five Ingredient Remedy That Relieves.—“In extreme nervous debility with tendency to fainting fits, use the following:
Spirits of Camphor 1/2 ounce Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia 1/2 ounce Spirits of Lavender Compound 1 ounce Tincture Valerian 1 ounce Tincture Castor 1 ounce
Mix. Dose.—From one to three teaspoonfuls at intervals of from fifteen minutes to three hours, according to urgency of symptoms. This mixture should be kept on hand by all persons subject to fainting fits.”
Spirits of camphor and aromatic spirits of ammonia stimulates the heart, while the tincture of valerian quiets the nervous system.
5. Nervousness, “Lady’s Slippers” Breaks up.—“A decoction is made with two ounces of the root, sliced, to two pints of water, boiled to one and one-half pints. Dose: One tablespoonful four times a day. Has been used with marked success in epilepsy and in other various nervous diseases.” This is used very extensively for nervous people, and has proven very successful.
Headache.—This term means a pain in the head, all over the head, or at one particular spot. It may be only a symptom of a general constitutional derangement, some disease of some other organ, a temporary inability of some organ like the stomach, liver, bowels, etc., to do work, or it may be due to some local affection depending upon some trouble with the skull and its contents. It is frequently but a symptom of some other trouble. It occurs in fevers, infectious diseases, brain disease, etc. There are different varieties depending upon the causes.
Sick Headache.
Nervous Headache.
Catarrhal Headache.
Congestive Headache.
Neuralgic or Gastric (stomach) Headache.
Bilious Headache.
“Bowel” Headache.
“Womb” Headache.
Rheumatic Headache.