In Remittent Fever larger doses are necessary. For pernicious forms: Hydrochlorate of quinine and urea ten to twenty grains, given hypodermically, every three or four hours until improvement occurs, when the sulphate of quinine by the mouth may be substituted.
Ague. (See Malarial Fever.)—By ague is meant the cold chills and fever; or dumb ague where there is little chill, mostly chilly and fever. These attacks may come on every day, every other day, or every third day.
Mothers’ remedies. 1. Ague and Fever, Dogwood Good for.—“Take one ounce of dogwood root and one quart of water. Make an infusion by boiling down to one-half pint. Strain and give one-half wineglassful every two or three hours.”
2. Ague in Face, Menthol and Alcohol Effective Remedy for.—“After making a solution of teaspoonful of menthol crystals, dissolved in two ounces of alcohol, apply several times a day to the face. Care should be taken that this solution does not enter the eyes, as it would be injurious,”
3. Ague, Simple Remedy for.—“Give purgative and follow with quinine. Give large 4 grain capsule every four hours.
Mothers’ remedies. 1. Chills and Fever, Peruvian Bark and Rhubarb for.—
“Pure Rye Whisky 4 ounces Pulverized Peruvian Bark 1 dram Pulverized Rhubarb 1 ounce
Put in bottles. Dose for adults:—One
tablespoonful three times a day.
This is an excellent remedy.”
[230 Mothers’ remedies]
2. Chills and Fever, Horse-radish for.—“Take fresh green horseradish leaves, bruise and mash them to the consistency of a poultice and bind on the bottom of the feet. This will tend to reduce the fever and is a reliable remedy. I have often used this with great satisfaction.”
3. Chills and Fever, Dogwood Known to be Good for.—“Make a decoction of one ounce of dogwood root, boiled in one quart of water down to one pint; strain, and give half wineglassful every two or three hours.” This remedy has been used by our grandmothers for many years, and is one to be depended upon. The dogwood root can be purchased at any drug store.
Treatment.—For acute cases quinine in various doses. I usually prescribe two grains every two hours until the ears ring, and then take only enough to keep them in that condition.
It is well always to see that the bowels and liver are active before taking quinine. The medicine acts better when the patient remains quiet in bed. If the chill and fever comes on every day, the quinine should be taken every hour between the paroxysms.
Malta fever.—This occurs in the Mediterranean countries, India, China, the Philippines and Porto Rico. The fever is irregular or marked by intervals of “no fever” for two or more days with febrile relapses lasting one to three weeks. Constipation, anemia (scarcity of blood), joint symptoms and debility exist. Ordinary cases may last three months to two years. Mortality two per cent.