5. Dysentery, Herb Remedy for.—“Take four ounces poplar bark, four ounces bayberry bark and three ounces tormentil root, simmer gently in four quarts of water, down to three, strain and add two pounds granulated sugar; let it come to boiling point, skim and add one-half pound blackberry or peach jelly and one-half pint best brandy. Keep in a cool place, take one-half wineglassful three or four times a day or more often if required.”
6. Dysentery, New Method to Cure.—“A hot hip bath will often relieve distressing sensations of dysentery or itching piles.” This is a very simple remedy and will have a very soothing effect upon the whole system, relieving any nervousness that may be present and usually is with this disease.
7. Dysentery, Starch Injection for.—“Use injection of one cup thin boiled starch, and one-half teaspoonful laudanum. Repeat every 3 to 4 hours.”
8. Dysentery, To Cure Bloody.—“Put a teaspoonful of salt into a quart of warm water and inject into the bowels to wash them out thoroughly.”
Physicians’ treatment for Dysentery.—Remain in bed on fluid diet, and give a free saline cathartic or castor on, one-half ounce, followed by salol five grains in capsules every three hours.
2. Bismuth subnitrate, one-half to one dram every two to three hours.
3. Irrigation of the colon with normal salt solution or weak solution of silver nitrate at about one hundred degrees with a long rectual tube. Dr. Hare, of Philadelphia, recommends one two-hundredth grain of bichloride of mercury every hour or two (in adults), if the stools are slimy and bloody and if much blood is present, and high rectal injections of witch-hazel water and water, half and half. I know this last is good, and also the following; Oil of fireweed, five drops on sugar every two to three hours.
4. Ipecac.—In acute dysentery ipecac is one of the best remedies, Dr. Hare says; “When the passages are large and bloody and the disease is malignant as it occurs in the tropics, ipecac should be given in the following manner: The powdered ipecac is to be administered on an empty stomach in the dose of thirty grains with thirty drops of the tincture of deodorized opium, which is used to decrease the tendency to vomit. Absolute rest is essential for its success. Finally a profuse gray, mushy stool is passed.” This is a favorable sign.
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Nursing and Diet.—The patient should always remain in bed and use bed-pan. He must be given a bland, unirritating diet, composed of milk, with lime-water, beef peptonoids, broth, egg albumin, etc., in acute cases.
Malaria fever.—Malarial fever is a group of diseases characterized by intermittent, quotidian (daily), tertian (every other day) or quartan (every fourth day) fever or remittent fever; there are also several pernicious types of this disease and chronic malarial condition of the system with enlargement of the spleen.