The Queen's Cup eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 405 pages of information about The Queen's Cup.

The Queen's Cup eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 405 pages of information about The Queen's Cup.

So far the cloud was a very small one, but rumours of trouble had been current for some little time, and the affair at least gave him an excuse for delaying his retirement.

Very rapidly the little cloud spread until it overshadowed India from Calcutta to the Afghan frontier.  His regiment stood some distance down on the rota for Indian service, but as the news grew worse regiment after regiment was hurried off, and it now stood very near the head of the list.  All leave had not yet been stopped, but officers away were ordered to leave addresses, so that they could be summoned to join at an hour’s notice.

When he had left home that morning for a day’s shooting with Sir John, he had ordered a horse to be kept saddled, so that if a telegram came it could be brought to him without a moment’s delay.  He was burning to be off.  There had at first been keen disappointment in the regiment that they were not likely to take part in the fierce struggle; but the feeling had changed into one of eager expectation, when, as the contest widened and it was evident that it would be necessary to make the greatest efforts to save India, the prospect of their employment in the work grew.

For the last fortnight expectation had been at its height.  Orders had been received for the regiment to hold itself in readiness for embarkation, men had been called back from furlough, the heavy baggage had been packed; and all was ready for a start at twenty-four hours’ notice.  Many of the officers obtained a few days’ leave to say goodbye to their friends or settle business matters, and Frank Mallett was among them.

“So I suppose you may go at any moment, Mallett?” said the host at the dinner table that evening.

“Yes, Sir John, my shooting today has been execrable; for I have known that at any moment my fellow might ride up with the order for me to return at once, and we are all in such a fever of impatience, that I am surprised I brought down a bird at all.”

“You can hardly hope to be in time either for the siege of Delhi or for the relief of Lucknow, Mallett.”

“One would think not, but there is no saying.  You see, our news is a month old; Havelock had been obliged to fall back on Cawnpore, and a perfect army of rebels were in Delhi.  Of course, the reinforcements will soon be arriving, and I don’t think it likely that we shall get up there in time to share in those affairs; but even if we are late both for Lucknow and Delhi, there will be plenty for us to do.  What with the Sepoy army and with the native chiefs that have joined them, and the fighting men of Oude and one thing and another, there cannot be less than 200,000 men in arms against us; and even if we do take Delhi and relieve Lucknow, that is only the beginning of the work.  The scoundrels are fighting with halters round their necks, and I have no fear of our missing our share of the work of winning back India and punishing these bloodthirsty scoundrels.”

Project Gutenberg
The Queen's Cup from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.