Westermarck, E., on group marriage, 128
on marriage, 105
Wide Bay, classes at, 43
Widow, position of, 20, 134
removal of, 19
Widower, 131
Wife lending, 142
authority over, 19
=Wiimbaio= customs, 143
phratries, 49
wife lending, 142
Wilpadrina, 129 n.
Wilson, T.B., 36
=Wilya= phratries, 49
=Wiradjeri=, chiefs among, 25
classes, 42, 51
marriage, 150
phratries, 42 b, 50
=Wolgal= phratries, 49
=Wollaroi= betrothal, 22
classes, 42
=Wollongurma= classes, 45
=Wonnaruah= classes, 42
=Wonghibon= “bloods,” 51
classes, 42, 51
phratries, 42 c, 50, 51
=Woonamurra= classes, 44, 51
phratries, 45, 51
=Worgaia= classes, Table I a, 47
phratries, 47
=Workoboongo= classes, 46, 72
=Wulmala= classes, Table I a, 47
phratries, 47
=Wurunjerri= phratries, 48
Ya as prefix, 79, 80
=Yambeena= classes, 51
phratries, 51
=Yandairunga= phratries, 49
=Yandrawontha= phratries, 49
=Yangarella= classes, Table I a, 47
=Yelyuyendi= phratries, 51
=Yerunthully= classes, 44, 72
=Yookala= classes, Table I a, 47
=Yoolanlanya= classes, 47
=Yowerawarika= phratries, 49
=Yuin= custom, 145
=Yuipera= classes, 44, 51
phratries, 45, 51
=Yukkabura= classes, 45
Yun as prefix, 80
=Yungmunnie= classes, Table I a, 47
Transcriber’s Note:
The following inconsistencies have been maintained in the text:
Misspellings and typographical errors
Hawaian for Hawaiian
Chapter IV, Table I, Section XV, the paragraph that
begins with “Tribe”
is missing a ) at the end.
Inconsistent hyphenation:
bi-lateral / bilateral eight-fold / eightfold four-fold / fourfold Geawe-gal / Geawegal head-man / headman inter-tribal / intertribal matri-potestal / matripostestal Narrang-ga / Narrangga patri-potestal / patripotestal sacrosanctity / sacrosanctity sub-division / subdivision wide-spread / widespread
Other inconsistencies:
Archaeologia / Archaeologia
Eaglehawk-Crow / eaglehawk-crow
Pirraurru / Pirrauru
vice versa / vice versa
In list of abbreviations: Proc. R.G.S.
In text: Proc. R.G.S. Qu.,
Proc. R.S. Qu.
In list of abbreviations: R.G.S. Qn.
In text: R.G.S. Qu.
In Chapter IV, Table II, repeated column headings
have been omitted.
The numbering in this table jumps from 12 to 20 and
then from 34 to 40.
In Chapter IV, Table III, two symbols are used ([++] and Sec.) which are not defined. Repeated column headings have been omitted.