Korkoren, 83
Korkoro, 75, 83
Ku as prefix, 79, 80
Kubbi, 83
=Kuinmurbura= betrothal, 22
classes, 44
customs, 144
phratries, 44, IV a, 51
rules of residence, 16
Kulbara, 82
=Kurnai= customs, 143, 144
phratries, 49, n. 8
polygamy, 134
relationships, 120
rule of residence, 17, 18
=Kurnandaburi= phratries, 49
polygamy, 132
Kutchin phratries, 9
Landed property, 7, 8, 29
Lang, Andrew, ii, 63
Languages, differentiation of, 60, 81
Leichardt, L., 35
Lending of wives, 132 sq., 143
pirrauru wives, 132, 135, 139
Levirate, 20, 134
Liaison, 107, 133
=Limba Karadjee= classes, 36
Local group, constitution of, 26
influence of, in causing change of rule
of descent, 26
types of, 8
Macarthur, Capt., 35
Maian, 134
Mala, 82
Male, 82
Male descent, see Patriliny
Malu, 82
=Mara= classes, 46
phratries, 46
Marriage, definition of, 103, 105 sq.
evolution of, Morgan’s theory, 110
forms of, 108
origin of, 64
prohibitions, 3, 6
rules, 97 sq.
and kinship terms, 93
Maryborough tribes, classes of, 43
phratries, 43, III a, 51
rules of residence, 17
Mathews, R.H., 31, 150
Matriliny in eight-class tribes, 151
origin of, 13, 19
primitive, 69
priority of, 12, 15
“Matrilocal,” 30
marriage, 16
Matripotestal family, 8, 109
=Mayoo= classes, Table I a, 47
=Meening= classes, Table I a, 47
Melanesian phratries, 10
=Miappe= classes, 46, 51 phratries, 46, 51
Migrations, 61
=Milpulko= phratries, 49
=Miorli= classes, 44
=Mittakoodi= classes, 44, 51
phratries, 45, 51
“Mixed group,” 8
Mohegan phratries, 9
=Monobar= classes, 35
Moore, G.F., 34
=Moree= classes, 42
Morgan, Lewis, on promiscuity, 110
Mother right, see Matriliny
Mother, term for, 123
=Mukjarawaint= betrothal, 22
customs, 144
=Murawari= “bloods,” 51
classes, 42, 51
phratries, 42 f, 50, 51
Murchison R., classes on, 47, 48
Muri, 83
=Mycoolon= classes, 72
Myths, diffusion of, 56
N as prefix, 80
Nagualism, 12
Narran R., classes on, 42
=Narrangga= classes, 48
Narrinyeri customs, 143, 144
“Natal associations,” 2