The Secret Garden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 320 pages of information about The Secret Garden.

The Secret Garden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 320 pages of information about The Secret Garden.

“Why don’t you put a heap of stones there and pretend it is a rockery?” he said.  “There in the middle,” and he leaned over her to point.

“Go away!” cried Mary.  “I don’t want boys.  Go away!”

For a moment Basil looked angry, and then he began to tease.  He was always teasing his sisters.  He danced round and round her and made faces and sang and laughed.

“Mistress Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow? 
With silver bells, and cockle shells,
And marigolds all in a row.”

He sang it until the other children heard and laughed, too; and the crosser Mary got, the more they sang “Mistress Mary, quite contrary”; and after that as long as she stayed with them they called her “Mistress Mary Quite Contrary” when they spoke of her to each other, and often when they spoke to her.

“You are going to be sent home,” Basil said to her, “at the end of the week.  And we’re glad of it.”

“I am glad of it, too,” answered Mary.  “Where is home?”

“She doesn’t know where home is!” said Basil, with seven-year-old scorn.  “It’s England, of course.  Our grandmama lives there and our sister Mabel was sent to her last year.  You are not going to your grandmama.  You have none.  You are going to your uncle.  His name is Mr. Archibald Craven.”

“I don’t know anything about him,” snapped Mary.

“I know you don’t,” Basil answered.  “You don’t know anything.  Girls never do.  I heard father and mother talking about him.  He lives in a great, big, desolate old house in the country and no one goes near him.  He’s so cross he won’t let them, and they wouldn’t come if he would let them.  He’s a hunchback, and he’s horrid.”

“I don’t believe you,” said Mary; and she turned her back and stuck her fingers in her ears, because she would not listen any more.

But she thought over it a great deal afterward; and when Mrs. Crawford told her that night that she was going to sail away to England in a few days and go to her uncle, Mr. Archibald Craven, who lived at Misselthwaite Manor, she looked so stony and stubbornly uninterested that they did not know what to think about her.  They tried to be kind to her, but she only turned her face away when Mrs. Crawford attempted to kiss her, and held herself stiffly when Mr. Crawford patted her shoulder.

“She is such a plain child,” Mrs. Crawford said pityingly, afterward.  “And her mother was such a pretty creature.  She had a very pretty manner, too, and Mary has the most unattractive ways I ever saw in a child.  The children call her ‘Mistress Mary Quite Contrary,’ and though it’s naughty of them, one can’t help understanding it.”

“Perhaps if her mother had carried her pretty face and her pretty manners oftener into the nursery Mary might have learned some pretty ways too.  It is very sad, now the poor beautiful thing is gone, to remember that many people never even knew that she had a child at all.”

Project Gutenberg
The Secret Garden from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.