The Secret Garden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 320 pages of information about The Secret Garden.

The Secret Garden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 320 pages of information about The Secret Garden.

“Lots o’ fools,” said Ben.  “Th’ world’s full o’ jackasses brayin’ an’ they never bray nowt but lies.  What did tha’ shut thysel’ up for?”

“Every one thought I was going to die,” said Colin shortly.  “I’m not!”

And he said it with such decision Ben Weatherstaff looked him over, up and down, down and up.

“Tha’ die!” he said with dry exultation.  “Nowt o’ th’ sort!  Tha’s got too much pluck in thee.  When I seed thee put tha’ legs on th’ ground in such a hurry I knowed tha’ was all right.  Sit thee down on th’ rug a bit young Mester an’ give me thy orders.”

There was a queer mixture of crabbed tenderness and shrewd understanding in his manner.  Mary had poured out speech as rapidly as she could as they had come down the Long Walk.  The chief thing to be remembered, she had told him, was that Colin was getting well—­getting well.  The garden was doing it.  No one must let him remember about having humps and dying.

The Rajah condescended to seat himself on a rug under the tree.

“What work do you do in the gardens, Weatherstaff?” he inquired.

“Anythin’ I’m told to do,” answered old Ben.  “I’m kep’ on by favor—­because she liked me.”

“She?” said Colin.

“Tha’ mother,” answered Ben Weatherstaff.

“My mother?” said Colin, and he looked about him quietly.  “This was her garden, wasn’t it?”

“Aye, it was that!” and Ben Weatherstaff looked about him too.  “She were main fond of it.”

“It is my garden now, I am fond of it.  I shall come here every day,” announced Colin.  “But it is to be a secret.  My orders are that no one is to know that we come here.  Dickon and my cousin have worked and made it come alive.  I shall send for you sometimes to help—­but you must come when no one can see you.”

Ben Weatherstaff’s face twisted itself in a dry old smile.

“I’ve come here before when no one saw me,” he said.

“What!” exclaimed Colin.  “When?”

“Th’ last time I was here,” rubbing his chin and looking round, “was about two year’ ago.”

“But no one has been in it for ten years!” cried Colin.  “There was no door!”

“I’m no one,” said old Ben dryly.  “An’ I didn’t come through th’ door.  I come over th’ wall.  Th’ rheumatics held me back th’ last two year’.”

“Tha’ come an’ did a bit o’ prunin’!” cried Dickon.  “I couldn’t make out how it had been done.”

“She was so fond of it—­she was!” said Ben Weatherstaff slowly.  “An’ she was such a pretty young thing.  She says to me once, ‘Ben,’ says she laughin’, ’if ever I’m ill or if I go away you must take care of my roses.’  When she did go away th’ orders was no one was ever to come nigh.  But I come,” with grumpy obstinacy.  “Over th’ wall I come—­until th’ rheumatics stopped me—­an’ I did a bit o’ work once a year.  She’d gave her order first.”

“It wouldn’t have been as wick as it is if tha’ hadn’t done it,” said Dickon.  “I did wonder.”

Project Gutenberg
The Secret Garden from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.