Revelations, 57, 74
Revival of learning, 65
Reynolds, 169-175
Richard II., portrait of, 29 et seq.
diptych, 47, 50, 139, 197
diptych in collection of Charles I., 147
Roger van der Weyden, 61
Rome, influence on Turner, 181
Rossetti, 190 et seq.
Royal Academy, 174
Rubens, 138, 143-145
friendship with Velasquez, 157
on Charles I., 147
Ruysdael, 141
Santi, Giovanni, 79
St. Catherine, Raphael’s, 85
burial of, 90
St. Catherine of Siena, 17
St. Edmund, 33
St. Francis of Assisi, 17, 21
preaching to the birds, 4, 23, 50
St. George slaying the dragon, 100-102
St. Jerome’s cell, 6, 63-69
lion of, 142
St. Matthew, 46
Saskia, 121, 122 et seq.
Savonarola, 73-76
Sistine Madonna, 85
Spain, greatness of, in sixteenth century, 153
Stained-glass windows, influence of in the fourteenth century, 36
Steen, Jan, 137, 167
‘Strayed Sheep,’ 191
‘Surrender of Breda,’ 159
Tenniel, 2
Tennyson, portrait of, 195
Terborch, 137
‘Three Maries,’ 46-59
compared with Botticelli’s ‘Nativity,’
compared with Raphael’s ‘Knight’s
Dream,’ 85
treatment of atmosphere in, 140
Timoteo Viti, 82
Tintoret, 99-102
influence on Velasquez, 159
Titian, 98, 99, 140, 159
Turner, 176-187
sunsets of, 9
‘Ulysses deriding Polyphemus,’ 184
Umbrian landscape, beauty of, 79
‘Valparaiso,’ 193
Van Dyck, 145-152
compared with Reynolds, 170 et seq.
comparison with Velasquez, 161
Van Eyck’s influence in Germany, 105
Vasari, 23, 25
Velasquez, 153-164
compared with Reynolds, 169
influence of, 193
Venice, influence on Turner, 180, 185
influence of on Venetian artists, 93 et
Veronese, 102
Watts, 195-197
Whistler, 192 et seq., 193
William the Silent, 116, 146
William II. of Orange, 146-152
William III., 146
Wood-cutting, process of, 127
Wool industry, importance of, 41
Printed in Great Britain by R & R. CLARK, LIMITED, Edinburgh.