The Leading Facts of English History eBook

David Henry Montgomery
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 652 pages of information about The Leading Facts of English History.

The Leading Facts of English History eBook

David Henry Montgomery
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 652 pages of information about The Leading Facts of English History.
of Lancaster):  by his marriage with Elizabeth | 56.  Victoria,
of York, the rival claims of the houses of | 1837-1901
Lancaster and York were settled and the house of| H
Tudor began. | 57.  Edward VII,
& Mary Queen of Scots stood next in order of | 1901-1910
succession after Mary (No. 43), provided Henry |_________ H
VIII’s marriage with Catharine, or his marriage with | 58.  George V,
Catharine of Aragon (Mary’s mother) was not held to have | 1910-
been dissolved.  The Pope never recognized Henry’s |
divorce from Catharine, or his marriage with Anne Boleyn,|
and therefore supported Mary Queen of Scots in her claim |
to the English crown after Mary’s (43) death in 1558. |
** Richard III (No. 39) married Anne Neville, widow (?) |
of Edward, Prince of Wales (son of Henry VI), slain at |
Tewkesbury. |
++ Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 |


[The * marks contemporary or early history]

N.B.  A selected list of twenty-eight works, especially adapted to the use of teachers and pupils for reference and collateral reading, is given on this first page.  It includes names of publishers with prices.

General Histories

Oman, C. History of England (earliest times to the present).
        7 vols.  Putnam’s Sons, N.Y. ($3.00 per vol.). 
Gardiner, S.R.  A Student’s History of England, illustrated,
        3 vols.  Longmans, N.Y. ($3.50); or bound in one very thick
        volume ($3.00). 
Tout, T.F.  History of England, 1 vol.  Longmans, N.Y. ($1.50). 
Gardiner, S.R.  English History.  Holt, N.Y. (80 cents). (For young
Smith, Goldwin.  The United Kingdom, a Political History, 2 vols. 
        The Macmillan Company, N.Y. ($4.00). 
Bright, J.F.  History of England, 4 vols.  Longmans, N.Y. ($6.75). 
Green, J.R.  A Short History of the English People, 1 vol.  Harper &
        Bros., N.Y. ($2.00); the same beautifully illustrated, 4
        vols. ($20.00). 
Brewer, J.S.  The Student’s Hume, 1 vol.  Murray, London (7s 6d). 
Creighton, M. Epochs of English History, 6 small vols. in
        one.  Longmans, N.Y. ($1.25). 
Knight, C. The Popular History of England, 9 vols.,
        illustrated.  Warne, London (5 pounds 3s.).

English Constitutional History

Ransome, C. Rise of Constitutional Government in England,
        1 vol.  Longmans, N.Y. ($2.00). (An excellent short
        constitutional history.)
Taswell-Langmead, T.P.  English Constitutional Histry, new and revised
        edition, 1 vol.  Stevens & Haynes, London ($3.12). (This

Project Gutenberg
The Leading Facts of English History from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.