Successful Recitations eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 540 pages of information about Successful Recitations.

Successful Recitations eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 540 pages of information about Successful Recitations.

    He picked it up from off the ground,
    And quickly back in its place ’twas bound,
    Keeping the bandage upon his face
    Until it had fairly healed in place.

    Alas for Mose!  ’Twas a sad mistake
    Which he in his haste that day did make;
    For, to add still more to his bitter cup,
    He found he had placed it wrong side up.

    “There’s no great loss without some gain;”
    And Moses says, in a jocular vein,
    He arranged it so for taking snuff,
    As he never before could get enough.

    One thing, by the way, he forgets to add,
    Which makes the arrangement rather bad: 
    Although he can take his snuff with ease,
    He has to stand on his head to sneeze!



I haf von funny leedle poy
Vot gomes schust to my knee—­
Der queerest schap, der createst rogue
As efer you dit see. 
He runs, und schumps, and schmashes dings
In all barts off der house. 
But vot off dot?  He vas mine son,
Mine leedle Yawcob Strauss.

He get der measels und der mumbs,
Und eferyding dot’s oudt;
He sbills mine glass of lager-bier,
Foots schnuff indo mine kraut;
He fills mine pipe mit Limburg cheese—­
Dot vas der roughest chouse;
I’d dake dot vrom no oder poy
But leedle Yawcob Strauss.

He dakes der milk-ban for a dhrum,
Und cuts mine cane in dwo
To make der schticks to beat it mit—­
Mine cracious, dot vas drue! 
I dinks mine hed vas schplit abart,
He kicks oup such a touse! 
But nefer mind, der poys vas few
Like dot young Yawcob Strauss.

He asks me questions sooch as dese: 
Who baints mine nose so red? 
Who vas it cuts dot schmoodth blace oudt
Vrom der hair ubon mine hed? 
Und vhere der plaze goes vrom der lamp
Vene’er der glim I douse? 
How gan I all dese dings eggsblain
To dot schmall Yawcob Strauss.

I somedimes dink I schall go vild
Mit sooch a grazy poy,
Und vish vonce more I gould haf rest
Und beaceful dimes enshoy,
But ven he vas ashleep in ped,
So quiet as a mouse,
I prays der Lord, “Dake anydings,
But leaf dot Yawcob Strauss.”



Mine cracious!  Mine cracious! shust look here und see
A Deutscher so habby as habby can pe. 
Der beoples all dink dat no prains I haf got,
Vas grazy mit trinking, or someding like dot;
Id vasn’t pecause I trinks lager und vine,
Id vas all on aggount of dot baby off mine.

Dot schmall leedle vellow I dells you vas qveer;
Not mooch pigger round as a goot glass off beer,
Mit a bare-footed hed, and nose but a schpeck,
A mout dot goes most to der pack of his neck,
And his leedle pink toes mid der rest all combine
To gife sooch a charm to dot baby off mine.

Project Gutenberg
Successful Recitations from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.