Francis Lynde
Author of
The Grafters,
The Master of Appleby,
etc., etc.
With illustrations
by E.M. Ashe
the Bobbs-Merrill company
Copyright 1906
Francis Lynde
Press of
Bookbinders and Printers
Brooklyn, N.Y.
To My Mother
I Bethesda 1
II The Cedars of Lebanon 11
III Of the Fathers Upon the Children 21
IV The Newer Exodus 25
V The Dabneys of Deer Trace 32
VI Blue Blood and Red 44
VII The Prayer of the Righteous 57
VIII The Backslider 65
IX The Race to the Swift 75
X The Shadow of the Rock 90
XI The Trumpet-Call 99
XII The Iron in the Forge Fire 107
XIII A Sister of Charity 116
XIV On Jordan’s Bank 124
XV Noel 140
XVI The Bubble, Reputation 145
XVII Absalom, My Son! 160
XVIII The Awakening 172
XIX Issachar 188
XX Dry Wells 201
XXI Gilgal 216
XXII Love 226
XXIII Tarred Ropes 242
XXIV The Under-Depths 255
XXV The Plow in the Furrow 265
XXVI As With a Mantle 279
XXVII Swept and Garnished 294
XXVIII The Burden of Habakkuk 306
XXIX As Brutes That Perish 319
XXX Through a Glass Darkly 331
XXXI The Net of the Fowler 338
XXXII Whoso Diggeth a Pit 347
XXXIII The Wine-Press of Wrath 357
XXXIV The Smoke of the Furnace 366
XXXV A Soul in Shackles 378