Cave Regions of the Ozarks and Black Hills eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 189 pages of information about Cave Regions of the Ozarks and Black Hills.

Cave Regions of the Ozarks and Black Hills eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 189 pages of information about Cave Regions of the Ozarks and Black Hills.


   I A General View 1

  II Marble Cave 25

 III Marble Cave Continued 43

  IV Fairy Cave and Powell Cave 58

   V Other Stone County Caves 73

  VI Oregon County Caves 82

 VII The Grand Gulf 95

VIII The Black Hills and Bad Lands 103

  IX Wind Cave 113

   X Wind Cave Continued 127

  XI " " " 141

 XII " " Concluded 151

XIII The Onyx Caves 162

 XIV Crystal Cave 175

  XV " " Concluded 183

 XVI Conclusion 211

Cave Regions of

The Ozarks and black hills.


A general view.

    “O’er mountains bright with snow and light,
    We crystal hunters speed along,
    While grots, and caves, and icy waves,
    Each instant echo to our song;
    And when we meet with stores of gems
    We grudge not kings their diadems.”
                        —­Thomas Moore.

The southern half of the State of Missouri, and the Black Hills of South Dakota, offer exceptionally delightful regions for the study of caves, or Speleology as it has been named, and the sister sciences of geology and geography at the same time.  In fact it is impossible to study either without giving attention to the other two, and therefore, instead of being separate sciences, they are the three branches of a great scientific trinity.

The regions here referred to enjoy the advantage, and at the same time suffer the disadvantage, of being comparatively little known to the ever restless tide of tourists who naturally hail with pleasure the announcement that some easily accessible, and thoroughly charming spot, has escaped their attention altogether, with a marvelous store of attractions which are both extremely old and wholly new.

Each of these regions has a peculiar geological history not repeated in any other portions of the earth’s surface:  each is blessed with its own peculiar style of beautiful scenery:  and each vies with the other and all the world besides for the supremacy of its truly wonderful caves.  Yet it should be well understood that the claims are not based on an unworthy spirit of rivalry, nor any desire to deny the greatness and beauty of already famous members of the Cave family.  It is simply an announcement that the family is much larger than has been generally supposed, and the more recently presented members worthy of the full measure of distinguished honors.

Project Gutenberg
Cave Regions of the Ozarks and Black Hills from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.