Secret Places of the Heart eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 245 pages of information about Secret Places of the Heart.

Secret Places of the Heart eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 245 pages of information about Secret Places of the Heart.

“I would trust Belinda with my life,” she said.  “And anyhow—­now—­we need not worry about Belinda.”

Section 7

At the breakfast table it was Belinda who was the most nervous of the three, the most moved, the most disposed to throw a sacramental air over their last meal together.  Her companions had passed beyond the idea of separation; it was as if they now cherished a secret satisfaction at the high dignity of their parting.  Belinda in some way perceived they had become different.  They were no longer tremulous lovers; they seemed sure of one another and with a new pride in their bearing.  It would have pleased Belinda better, seeing how soon they were to be torn apart, if they had not made quite such excellent breakfasts.  She even suspected them of having slept well.  Yet yesterday they had been deeply stirred.  They had stayed out late last night, so late that she had not heard them come in.  Perhaps then they had passed the climax of their emotions.  Sir Richmond, she learnt, was to take the party to Exeter, where there would be a train for Falmouth a little after two.  If they started from Bath about nine that would give them an ample margin of time in which to deal with a puncture or any such misadventure.

They crested the Mendips above Shepton Mallet, ran through Tilchester and Ilminster into the lovely hill country about Up-Ottery and so to Honiton and the broad level road to Exeter.  Sir Richmond and Miss Grammont were in a state of happy gravity; they sat contentedly side by side, talking very little.  They had already made their arrangements for writing to one another.  There was to be no stream of love-letters or protestations.  That might prove a mutual torment.  Their love was to be implicit.  They were to write at intervals about political matters and their common interests, and to keep each other informed of their movements about the world.

“We shall be working together,” she said, speaking suddenly out of a train of thought she had been following, “we shall be closer together than many a couple who have never spent a day apart for twenty years.”

Then presently she said:  “In the New Age all lovers will have to be accustomed to meeting and parting.  We women will not be tied very much by domestic needs.  Unless we see fit to have children.  We shall be going about our business like men; we shall have world-wide businesses—­many of us—­just as men will....

“It will be a world full of lovers’ meetings.”

“Some day—­somewhere—­we two will certainly meet again.”

“Even you have to force circumstances a little,” said Sir Richmond.

“We shall meet,” she said, “without doing that.”

“But where?” he asked unanswered....

“Meetings and partings,” she said.  “Women will be used to seeing their lovers go away.  Even to seeing them go away to other women who have borne them children and who have a closer claim on them.”

Project Gutenberg
Secret Places of the Heart from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.