Tallien, 298-306
Tariff wars, 137
Tell, William, legend of, 217
Tenasserim and E.I. Co. directors, 288
Tennyson and Euripides, 65, 81
Themistocles, saying of, 341
Theodosius, 84
Thibaw, King of Burma, 289
Thiers on French Conservatism, 197
Tiberius, 349
Tolstoy, 212
Toryism, middle-class, 196
Tourguenef, 211
Translation and Paraphrase, 54-73
Turgot on corporate bodies, 18
Turkish war-song, 444
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 208
Usury in the East, 43
Utilitarianism, 309
Vandal, M., 142
Vasconcellos, Senhor, 383, 404
Vauvenargues, 65
Venezelos, M., 269
Verrall, Dr., 312-316
Viceroy of India and his Council, 33
Voguee, M. de, 204
Voltaire, 209, 434
Waller, on the British Navy, 451
Walpole, Sir Robert, 240
War Office, 115
Wellington, Duke of, and the Ottoman Empire, 264
Wellington, Duke of, as a musician, 284
Wellington, Duke of, at Waterloo, 284
Wellington, Duke of, hatred of French, 454
Wellington, Duke of, on Cambronne, 298
Wellington, Duke of, on India, 10
Wellingtoniana, 277-286
Wensleydale, Lord, translation by, 67
Wilson, Sir Fleetwood, 332, 338
Wingfield, Mr., 402, 404
Wolfe, General, 359
Wolseley, Viscount, 107
Wolseley, Viscount, and Sir Frederick Maurice, 360
Wrede, Generals and Napoleon, 433
Wyllie, Colonel, 392, 398, 399, 401, 405
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