Plevna, defence of, 272
Poe, Edgar, 60
Poetry, Aristotelian canon, 229
Polemisterion, 448
Polish Diet, 173
Poole, Mr. Stanley Lane-, 149
“Poor Jack,” 453
“Popkins’s plan,” 186
Portuguese in Africa, 11
Portuguese slavery, 372-406
Pouchkine, 210
Principe, Island of, 398
Prote, epitaph on, 236
Prudentius, epitaph on Julian, 353
Ptolemy Keraunos, 357
Pyrrhus, 352
Rangoon, 290
Rao, Sir Dinkur, 84
Redmond, Mr., 143
Red River campaign, 112
Reid, Mr., 340
Rhigas Pheraios, 447
Ridgeway, Professor, 365
Ripon, Marquis of, 98, 331
Robespierre, 300, 302, 303, 305
Roebuck, Mr. Disraeli on, 186
Roman Empire, cause of downfall, 7
Rome and Municipal Government, 340-350
“Rosa Rosarum,” 234
Round Table, article in, 246
Rump, Herr, 152
Russian Romance, 204-213
Rutilius on power of Rome, 445
Sainte-Beuve, 217
St. Cyr, Marshal, as a musician, 284
St. Ovinus, epitaph on, 58
St.-Victor, Paul de, 57
Salisbury, Marquis of, 173
Salisbury, Marquis of, and immigrant coolies, 405
Salisbury, Marquis of, foreign policy, 101, 123
Salisbury, Marquis of, and Turkey, 265
Sappho, translation of, 67
Scott, Sir George, 291, 294, 295, 297
Scott, Sir Walter, advice to Shelley, 285
Scott, Sir Walter, Carlyle on, 219
Scott, Sir Walter, influence of his poetry on soldiers, 456
Seeley, Sir Thomas, 223
Sharaki lands in Egypt, 42
Shelburne, Lord, 182
Shelley, on translating, 59
Shelley, Lady, 277-286
Silva, Carlos de, 389, 391
Slavery, 19
Smallbones, Mr., 386, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 403, 406
Smith, Dr. Adam, 16
Smith, Rev. Sydney, 142
Songs, Naval and Military, 449-457
Songs, Patriotic and National, 439
Soudan, campaign of 1896-98, 112
Soudan, commercial policy in, 139
Soudan, slavery in the, 379
Stael, Madame de, and Napoleon, 434
Still, Bishop, 441
Stratonice, 356
Sultans not rightful Caliphs, 409
Surgeon, the, and the soldier, 111
Swadeshi movement in India, 86
Swift, Dean, 208
Swinburne, on the sea, 449
Symmons, Dr., on blank verse, 62
Szechuan Railway Company, 151