Grey, Sir Edward, diplomatic success of, 276
Grey, Sir Edward, on the Balkan Peninsula, 407
Griboiedof, 210
Grundy, Dr., translations, 232
Guizot, 217
Hacklaender, on European slave life, 386
Hamilton, Alexander, 138
Hamilton, Lord George, on Sir Alfred Lyall, 92
Harrison, Miss, 361-371
Havelock’s love of Homer, 359
Headlam, Dr., 68
Heliogabalus, the Emperor, 299
Helps, Sir Arthur, on inaccuracy, 373
Hermann, Professor, 311
Herrick, translation of, 68
Hieronymus, 354
History, the writing of, 214-225
Hodgkin, Dr. Thomas, 1, 7, 20, 36, 347
Homer’s women, 315
Humanitarianism, 378
Hunkiar-Iskelesi, Treaty of, 271
Ilbert Bill, 94
Imperial schools of thought, 10
Imperialism, Mr. Mallik on, 321
Imperialist, profession of faith of, 1
India Council, 33
India, Customs duties in, 329
India, Fiscal Question in, 327-339
Indian Frontier policy, 47-49
Indian Problems, 416-426
Indiction, Roman, 36
Ion, Dr. Verrall on, 314
Ireland, Disraeli’s opinion on, 193-194
Islam, influence of, 347
Italian patriotic poetry, 446
Jaray, M., 165
Jebb, Professor, on the humanities, 308
Jervis, Admiral, 453
Judicial reform in Algeria, 258
Julian the Apostate, 353
Jute, duty on, 336
Keats, on Melancholy, 60
Kennedy, Mr., translations, 68
Kitchener, Viscount, 114, 169, 174, 255
Klephtic ballads, 447
Labour, free, at San Thome, 400
Lacretelle and Madame Tallien, 301
Lamartine, 218
Lamb on sanity of genius, 61
Land revenue system in India, 42-45
Land tax in Eastern countries, 40
Lanfrey, 218
Lawrence, Lord, Afghan policy, 100
Lawrence, Lord, Central Asian policy, 47
Lawrence, Lord, on Indian Taxation, 45
Lawson’s Greek Folk-Lore, 368
Le Bon, M., on national characteristics, 429
Lear, Edward, in Italy, 142
Lecky, on morals in politics, 19
Legislation in India, 39
Lermontof, 210
Lessing and Greece, 312
Lethbridge, Sir Roper, 327-339
“Lillibullero,” 439
List, Friedrich, on Free Trade, 131
Livingstone, Dr., on Portuguese, 11
Lucian, 56
Lucretius, Dryden’s translation of, 62