dress rehearsal, 323
Dunsany, Lord, 298
EFFECT to cause, 210, 237
elimination, 236
eloquence, false, 284
Elson, H.W., 131
emphasis, 22, 155
enthymeme, 231
enunciation, 23
Evarts, William M., 118
Everett, Edward, 67
evidence, 226
examples, 206, 232
exclamatory sentence, 60
explaining, 194
explanation, 232
exposition, 194
experience, 122
false eloquence, 284
Fernald, English Synonyms, Antonyms, and Prepositions, 48
finding the issues, 267
Ford, Simeon, 114
Fox, Charles James, 9
Fox, John, 23
Franklin, Benjamin, 77
GENERAL terms, 52
genus, 201
gestures, 26
getting material, 122
Gettysburg Address, 183
Gratiano, 6
HALE, Edward Everett, 118
Hamlet’s advice to players, 31
hasty generalization, 228
Hayne, 162
Henry, Patrick, 64, 84, 85, 112
Homer, 298
Howell, Clark, 119
Huxley, Thomas H., 150
IDEAS and words, 38
ignoring the question, 246
importance, 212
importance of speech, 1
improvisation, 294
inaugural speech, 285
Incidents of Government Trading, 181
incorrect analogy, 252
increasing the vocabulary, 39
index, 130
inductive reasoning, 228
interrogative sentence, 61
interview, 125
introduction, length, 72
introduction, purpose, 73
introduction and audience, 76
invention and speech, 3
issues, 267
JEFFERSON, Joseph, 120
Jefferson, Thomas, 117
judges, 268
Julius Caesar, 81
KINDS of propositions, 822
Knox, Philander, 269
LANGUAGE, 12, 197
League of Nations, 269
legal brief, 170
length of speech, 143
library, 136
library classification, 138
Lincoln, Abraham, 9, 30, 57, 65, 100, 103, 117, 148, 172, 183, 255
list of short plays, 314
long sentences, 61
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 76, 135
logical definition, 201
Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, 136
MACAULAY, Thomas Babington, 52, 68, 160, 208, 233, 246, 268