42. City government should be conducted by a highly paid municipal expert hired for the purpose of controlling city affairs exactly as he would a large business organization.
43. A public building for community interests is a better memorial for a city to erect than the usual monument or statue.
44. Voting machines should be used in all cities.
45. All public utilities should be owned and operated by the city.
46. Judges should not be elected by popular vote.
47. A representative should vote according to the opinions of his constituency.
48. This state should provide old-age pensions.
49. Laws should be passed making it impossible to dispose of more than one million dollars by will.
50. The pure food law should be strictly enforced.
51. Every state should have a state university in which tuition for its inhabitants should be absolutely free.
52. The Governor of a state should not have the pardoning power.
53. No children below the age of sixteen should be allowed to work in factories.
54. Laws concerning the sale of substitutes for butter should be made more stringent.
55. Sunday closing laws should be repealed.
56. The railroads of the United States should be allowed to pool their interests.
57. The present method of amending the Constitution of the United States should be changed.
58. This government should insist upon a strict adherence to the Monroe Doctrine.
59. The American Indian has been unjustly treated.
60. Railroads should be under private ownership but subject to government control.
61. An educational test should be required of all persons desiring to enter this country.
62. The United States should own and control the coal mines of the country.
63. Members of the House of Representatives should be chosen to represent industries, workers, and professions, rather than geographical divisions.
64. Woman suffrage carries with it the right to hold office except where expressly forbidden in existing laws and constitutions.
65. Instead of an extension of suffrage to all women there should be a restriction from the previous inclusion of all men.
66. All raw materials should be admitted to this country free of duty.
67. All departments of the government should be under the Civil Service Act.
68. The Civil War pension policy was a wise one.
69. The United States should build and maintain a large navy.
70. A high protective tariff keeps wages high.
71. Letter postage should be reduced to one cent.
72. Laws governing marriage and divorce should be made uniform by Congress.
73. The present restriction upon Chinese immigration should be modified to admit certain classes.