Public Speaking eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 326 pages of information about Public Speaking.

Public Speaking eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 326 pages of information about Public Speaking.

War to be declared an Article XVI provides that international crime, and any should any of the high nation engaging in war, except contracting parties break in self-defense when covenants under Article XII actually attacked, to be punished (relating to arbitration) it by the world as an shall be deemed to have committed international criminal. an act of war against
                                   the League, which undertakes
                                   to exercise economic
                                   pressure; and it is to be the
                                   duty of the executive council
                                   to recommend what military
                                   or naval force the members
                                   of the League shall contribute
                                   to be used to protect
                                   the covenants of the League.

The Monroe Doctrine to None of these matters is
be safeguarded; also our mentioned specifically, but
immigration policy and our President Wilson has said
right to expel aliens. that the League will “extend
                                   the Monroe Doctrine to the
                                   whole world” and that domestic
                                   and internal questions
                                   are not a concern of the

Our right to maintain military Article VIII says:  “The
and naval establishments executive council shall also
and coaling stations, determine for the consideration
and our right to fortify the and action of the several
Panama Canal and our governments what military
frontiers to be safeguarded. equipment and armament is
                                   fair and reasonable and in
                                   proportion to the scale of
                                   forces laid down in the program
                                   of disarmament, and
                                   these limits when adopted
                                   shall not be exceeded without
                                   the permission of the executive

An international court to Article XIV provides for be empowered by the League the establishment of a “permanent to call upon the signatory court of international Powers to enforce its decrees justice,” but its powers are against unwilling states by limited to hearing and determining force, economic pressure, or “any matter otherwise.  The constitution which the parties recognize of the League to provide, as suitable for submission to however, that decrees against it for arbitration” under an American Power shall be Article XIII. enforced by the nations of this hemisphere, and decrees against a country of the eastern hemisphere by the Powers of that hemisphere.

Project Gutenberg
Public Speaking from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.