The Summons of the Lord of Hosts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about The Summons of the Lord of Hosts.

The Summons of the Lord of Hosts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about The Summons of the Lord of Hosts.

251 I implore Thee, O My Lord, by that most exalted Word which hath struck terror into the hearts of all who are in the heavens and on the earth, save only those who have taken fast hold of Thy Sure Handle, not to abandon Me amidst Thy creatures.  Lift Me up, then, unto Thyself, cause Me to enter beneath the shadow of Thy mercy, and give Me to drink of the pure wine of Thy providence, that I may dwell within the tabernacle of Thy majesty and beneath the canopy of Thy favour.  Potent art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee.  Thou, verily, art the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.

252 O King!  The lamps of equity have been extinguished, and the fire of tyranny hath so blazed on every side that My people have been led as captives from Zawra’(52) to Mosul, known as Hadba’.  This is not the first outrage that hath been suffered in the path of God.  It behoveth every soul to consider and call to mind that which befell the kindred of the Prophet when the people took them captive and brought them unto Damascus, known as Fayha’.  Amongst them was the prince of them that worship God, the mainstay of such as have drawn nigh unto Him, and the sanctuary of those who long for His presence—­may the life of all else be a sacrifice unto him!(53)

253 They were asked:  “Are ye of the party of the Seceders?"(54) He replied:  “Nay, by the Lord Almighty.  We are but servants who have believed in God and in His verses.  Through us the countenance of faith hath beamed with joy.  Through us the sign of the All-Merciful hath shone forth.  At the mention of our names the desert of Batha(55) hath overflowed with water and the darkness separating earth and heaven hath been dispelled.”

254 “Have ye forbidden”, they were asked, “that which God hath made lawful, or allowed that which He hath forbidden?” “We were the first to follow the divine commandments”, he answered.  “We are the root and origin of His Cause, the beginning of all good and its end.  We are the sign of the Ancient of Days and the source of His remembrance amongst the nations.”

255 They were asked:  “Have ye forsaken the Qur’an?” “In our House”, he replied, “did the All-Merciful reveal it.  We are the breezes of the All-Glorious amidst His creation.  We are the streams that have branched out from the Most Great Ocean, through which God hath revived the earth, and through which He shall revive it again after it hath died.  Through us His signs have been diffused, His proofs revealed, and His tokens disclosed.  With us is the knowledge of His hidden meanings and His untold mysteries.”

256 “For what crime have ye been punished?” they were asked.  “For our love of God”, he made reply, “and for our detachment from aught else save Him.”

257 We have not related his exact words—­peace be upon him!—­but rather have We imparted a sprinkling from that ocean of life eternal that lieth enshrined within them, that those who hearken thereunto may be quickened and made aware of what hath befallen the trusted ones of God at the hands of a lost and wayward generation.  We see the people in this day censuring the oppressors of bygone ages, whilst they themselves commit yet greater wrongs and know it not!

Project Gutenberg
The Summons of the Lord of Hosts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.