The Summons of the Lord of Hosts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about The Summons of the Lord of Hosts.

The Summons of the Lord of Hosts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about The Summons of the Lord of Hosts.

229 Therefore, in the exercise of the royal justice, it is not sufficient to give ear to the claimant alone.  God saith in the Qur’an, the unerring Balance that distinguisheth truth from falsehood:  “O ye who believe!  If a wicked man come to you with news, clear it up at once, lest through ignorance ye harm others, and afterward repent of what ye have done."(34) The holy Traditions, moreover, contain the admonition:  “Believe not the tale-bearer.”  Certain of the divines, who have never seen Us, have misconceived the nature of Our Cause.  Those, however, who have met Us will testify that this Servant hath not spoken save in accordance with that which God hath commanded in the Book, and that He hath called attention to the following blessed verse—­exalted be His Word:  “Do ye not disavow us merely because we believe in God, and in what He hath sent down unto us, and in what He had sent down aforetime?"(35)

230 O King of the age!  The eyes of these refugees are turned towards and fixed upon the mercy of the Most Merciful.  No doubt is there whatever that these tribulations will be followed by the outpourings of a supreme mercy, and these dire adversities will be succeeded by an overflowing prosperity.  We fain would hope, however, that His Majesty the Shah will himself examine these matters and bring hope to the hearts.  That which We have submitted to thy Majesty is indeed for thine highest good.  And God, verily, is a sufficient witness unto Me.

231 Glorified art Thou, O Lord My God!  I bear witness that the heart of the King is in truth between the fingers of Thy might.  If it be Thy wish, do Thou incline it, O My God, in the direction of charity and mercy.  Thou, verily, art the Almighty, the Most Exalted, the Most Bountiful.  No God is there besides Thee, the All-Glorious, the One Whose help is sought by all.

232 Concerning the prerequisites of the learned, He saith:  “Whoso among the learned guardeth his self, defendeth his faith, opposeth his desires, and obeyeth his Lord’s command, it is incumbent upon the generality of the people to pattern themselves after him...."(36) Should the King of the Age reflect upon this utterance which hath streamed from the tongue of Him Who is the Dayspring of the Revelation of the All-Merciful, he would perceive that those who have been adorned with the attributes enumerated in this holy Tradition are scarcer than the philosopher’s stone; wherefore not every man that layeth claim to knowledge deserveth to be believed.

233 Again concerning the divines of the Latter Days, He saith:  “The religious doctors of that age shall be the most wicked of the divines beneath the shadow of heaven.  Out of them hath mischief proceeded, and unto them it shall return.”  And again He saith:  “When the Standard of Truth is made manifest, the people of both the East and the West curse it."(37) Should anyone dispute these Traditions, this Servant will undertake to establish their validity, since the details of their transmission have been omitted here for the sake of brevity.

Project Gutenberg
The Summons of the Lord of Hosts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.