The Summons of the Lord of Hosts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about The Summons of the Lord of Hosts.

The Summons of the Lord of Hosts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about The Summons of the Lord of Hosts.

76 Would that thy ministers had dealt with Us according to the principles they uphold amongst themselves!  For, by God, they dealt with Us neither in accordance with the commandments of God, nor with the practices they uphold, nor with the standards current amongst men, nor even with the manner in which the destitute of the earth receive a wayfarer.  Such is the account of what We suffered at their hands, and which We have related unto thee in a language of truthfulness and sincerity.

77 All this befell Me, though I had come unto them at their own behest and did not oppose their authority, which deriveth from thine own.  Thus did We accept and observe their bidding.  They, however, appear to have forgotten that which God hath commanded.  He saith, and His Word is the truth:  “Act with humility towards the believers."(96) Methinks that their only concern was their own comfort and repose, and that their ears were deaf to the sighs of the poor and the cries of the oppressed.  They seem to imagine that they have been created from pure light, while others have been fashioned out of dust.  How wretched are their imaginings!  We have all been created from a sorry germ.(97)

78 I swear by God, O King!  It is not My wish to make My plaint to thee against them that persecute Me.  I only plead My grief and My sorrow to God, Who hath created Me and them, Who well knoweth our state and Who watcheth over all things.  My wish is to warn them of the consequences of their actions, if perchance they might desist from treating others as they have treated Me, and be of them that heed My warning.

79 The tribulations that have touched Us, the destitution from which We suffer, the various troubles with which We are encompassed, shall all pass away, as shall pass away the pleasures in which they delight and the affluence they enjoy.  This is the truth which no man on earth can reject.  The days in which We have been compelled to dwell in the dust will soon be ended, as will the days in which they occupied the seats of honour.  God shall, assuredly, judge with truth between Us and them, and He, verily, is the best of judges.

80 We render thanks unto God for whatsoever hath befallen Us, and We patiently endure the things He hath ordained in the past or will ordain in the future.  In Him have I placed My trust; and into His hands have I committed My Cause.  He will, certainly, repay all them that endure with patience and put their confidence in Him.  His is the creation and its empire.  He exalteth whom He will, and whom He will He doth abase.  He shall not be asked of His doings.  He, verily, is the All-Glorious, the Almighty.

Project Gutenberg
The Summons of the Lord of Hosts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.