The Summons of the Lord of Hosts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about The Summons of the Lord of Hosts.

The Summons of the Lord of Hosts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about The Summons of the Lord of Hosts.
thine heart, unto His love, and withdraw it from the love of anyone besides Him, that He may aid thee to immerse thyself in the ocean of His unity, and enable thee to become a true upholder of His oneness.  God is My witness.  My sole purpose in revealing to thee these words is to sanctify thee from the transitory things of the earth, and aid thee to enter the realm of everlasting glory, that thou mayest, by the leave of God, be of them that abide and rule therein.

73 Hast thou heard, O King, what We have suffered at the hands of thy ministers and how We have been treated by them, or art thou of the negligent?  If indeed thou hast heard and known, wherefore didst thou not forbid thy ministers to commit such deeds?  How didst thou desire for Him Who hath complied with thy command, and been obedient to thy behest, that which no king would desire for any of his subjects?  And if thou knowest not, this indeed is a more grievous error, wert thou of the God-fearing.  Wherefore shall I recount to thee that which We have suffered at the hands of these oppressors.

74 Know, then, that We came unto thy city at thine own behest, and entered therein with conspicuous honour.  They expelled Us, however, from thy city with an abasement with which no abasement on earth can compare, if thou be of them that are well-informed.  They made Us journey until We reached the place(95) which none entereth except such as have rebelled against the authority of the sovereign, and as are numbered with the transgressors.  All this, notwithstanding that We had never disobeyed thee, though it be for a single moment, for when We heard thy bidding We observed it and submitted to thy will.  In dealing with Us, however, thy ministers neither honoured the standards of God and His commandments, nor heeded that which hath been revealed to the Prophets and Messengers.  They showed Us no mercy and committed against Us that which no one among the faithful hath ever wrought against his fellow, nor any believer inflicted upon an infidel.  God knoweth and is a witness unto the truth of Our words.

75 When they expelled Us from thy city, they placed Us in such conveyances as the people use to carry baggage and the like.  Such was the treatment We received at their hands, shouldst thou wish to know the truth.  Thus were We sent away, and thus were We brought to the city which they regard as the abode of rebels.  Upon our arrival, We could find no house in which to dwell, and perforce resided in a place where none would enter save the most indigent stranger.  There We lodged for a time, after which, suffering increasingly from the confined space, We sought and rented houses which by reason of the extreme cold had been vacated by their occupants.  Thus in the depth of winter we were constrained to make our abode in houses wherein none dwell except in the heat of summer.  Neither My family, nor those who accompanied Me, had the necessary raiment to protect them from the cold in that freezing weather.

Project Gutenberg
The Summons of the Lord of Hosts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.