Principles of Teaching eBook

Adam S. Bennion
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about Principles of Teaching.

Principles of Teaching eBook

Adam S. Bennion
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about Principles of Teaching.
Preface                                    vii
I  Purposes Behind Teaching                     1
II  What Is Teaching?                            7
III  The Joys of Teaching                        14
IV  Personality                                 20
V  Personality                                 26
VI  Attainment                                  33
vii  Native Tendencies                           40
VIII  What to Do With Native Tendencies           46
IX  Individual Differences                      53
X  Individual Differences and Teaching         61
XI  Attention                                   68
XII  What Makes for Interest                     74
XIII  A Laboratory Lesson in Interest             80
XIV  The More Immediate Problems in Teaching     88
XV  Organizing the Lesson                       96
XVI  Illustrating and Supplementing a Lesson    103
XVII  The Aim                                    111
XVIII  Application                                116
XIX  Methods of the Recitation                  126
XX  Review and Preview                         134
XXI  The Question as a Factor in Education      142
XXII  The Problem of Discipline                  149
XXIII  Creating Class Spirit                      157
XXIV  Conversion—­The Real Test of Teaching      164
Bibliography                               171


That ever-old question, “How to Teach,” becomes ever new when made to read, “How to Teach Better.”  This volume aims to raise those problems which every teacher sooner or later faces, and it attempts to suggest an approach by way of solution which will insure at least some degree of growth towards efficiency.  These chapters originally were prepared for the course offered to teacher-trainers in the Summer School of the Brigham Young University, in 1920.  The teachers in that course were an inspiration to the author and are responsible for many of the thoughts expressed in the pages of this book.

The successful teacher ever views his calling as an opportunity—­not as an obligation.  To associate with young people is a rare privilege; to teach them is an inspiration; to lead them into the glorious truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is heavenly joy itself.  This little volume hopes to push open the door of opportunity a little wider, that more of that joy may be realized.

    “Perchance, in heaven, one day to me
      Some blessed Saint will come and say,
    ’All hail, beloved; but for thee
      My soul to death had fallen a prey’;
    And oh! what rapture in the thought,
      One soul to glory to have brought.”

AdamS. Bennion.




     The worth of souls.—­The Father’s joy in the soul that is
     saved.—­The teacher’s responsibility.—­Teaching, a sacred
     calling.—­Our Church a teaching Church.

Project Gutenberg
Principles of Teaching from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.